Thursday, September 6, 2018

Apparently, Arthropods And Arachnids Have A Firm Grasp Of Irony

Sweet Gummi Mary! One of these days, I'm going to understand the meaning of irony. Until then, even lowly invertebrates are tossing their resumes into the tutoring ring for consideration.

Seems like only yesterday (because it WAS) that I had a run-in with a millipede one thin wall away from my dark basement lair. I was a bit put-out with that critter for being inside my home, where I don't expect wildlife to roam., I went outside and started down the steps from the porch to the garage sidewalk...and ran into a spiderweb. By spiderweb, I mean a single strand. Not a nice, fanned-out web that glints with beauty in the morning sun, coated by droplets of dew.

No, the morning sun and dew were long-gone, it being noon-thirty by the time I got going. This must have been an anchor strand from which Spidey was going to fan out his magnificent trap. Being an anchor, that filament was as tough as braided steel. I swear, my forehead hit it first, and my noggin was rocked back on my shoulders as much from the force as from the shock. I was nearly decapitated!

Just like a certain Mansion-dwelling millipede...


Anonymous said...

That must have been the world's strongest spider web!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I was amazed at the strength of it! It's like I couldn't just walk through and break it. That filament pulled my head back and gave my neck a workout to snap it. We won't discuss the workout I got from flailing my arms and wiping at my forehead and face...

River said...

I don't like walking into a web I haven't seen, even just the one anchor thread. I always have to go back inside and make sure none of it is still clinging in my hair or on my face.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I checked T-Hoe's mirror, just in case my flailing didn't complete the web removal.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I don't mind the web as much as I do the spider in my hair. I always think that the spider must be pretty put out with me ruining the web.

Hillbilly Mom said...

This morning I saw a more complete web, from the shingled roof of Juno's dog house to the top of the porch roof. Since I don't go sticking my head in that area, I just walked around and left it. Glad the moisture had condensed to make it visible for me to notice.