Saturday, September 29, 2018

Just Puddling Along

A few days ago, I noticed some ominous seepage as I walked past the kitchen table. I remembered that Farmer H had bought his own Diet Mountain Dew, when he found it on sale for $2.50 a six-pack, of extra-big bottles at Country Mart. But he'd put them on the floor, under the table. I had set his four-packs of Strawberry Water on top of the table. And now, something near them was leaking.

It sure didn't look like the water bottles! I had bad feeling about this. Had Farmer H bought something at the auction, and set it on the kitchen table overnight, before moving his treasure trove to the BARn or his Freight Container Garage the next morning? What in the Not-Heaven did he buy? A case of antique oil? I was not looking forward to finding out. Nor looking forward to cleaning it up before it dribbled off the table. That Farmer H! He's never around when work needs to be done!

I set my purse back on the kitchen counter, and moved past the Strawberry Water to see if I could find any clues about this puddle. Maybe I needed a hazmat suit before proceeding...

Or not.

Further investigation revealed the mess formerly known as "puddle" to be not liquid at all, but the DISPOSABLE SUNGLASSES provided to Farmer H by his ophthalmologist the previous afternoon. He'd had an appointment, and had his eyes dilated.

Never mind. It was STILL Farmer H's "mess."


Anonymous said...

A mess is a mess is a mess (but the dry ones are best)!!

River said...

For a while there I was wondering what on earth you were seeing, because I couldn't see a puddle, just something black laying on the table.
AND I read your title as just PUDDING along. Mmmm, pudding...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes! I was quite relieved to discover the reality of the situation.

Your eyes (or my cell phone camera) are better than my vision that morning! I'm certainly glad it wasn't PUDDING!