Monday, October 29, 2018

Fall Has Fallen

Hillmomba didn't get much of an autumn this year. We waited and waited for the trees to turn, and now it looks like they've mostly skipped that stage, and gone straight to shedding their brown leaves. Sunday had that tint in the air that practically screamed FALL!

I was enjoying the view of the creek as I turned onto our gravel road. I hadn't planned on taking a picture, until I saw a reason to do so.

You may not notice, due to my poor picture-taking procedure. I think I zoomed in too close to T-Hoe's tinted windshield. point is the TRASH left by ne'er-do-wells! Beer cans scattered between the tree trunks, and a 44 oz foam cup in the shadow of the tree. I'm pretty sure that nobody sat there drinking all those beers, piling cans in the exact same area. They would have tossed them willy-nilly. It seems to me that somebody pulled over there and dumped them out of their car, or more likely, truck. To avoid being caught by police or parents or spouse.

It makes me think of that commercial from my childhood, the Indian crying the single tear.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

My grandmother used to want me to stop on the dirt road before we got to her property to "clean out" the car. She didn't mind littering other peoples' property! Drove me nuts. One would have hoped that we have a better mind set today, but apparently not. I had just a few campers this past weekend, but the dumpster was almost overflowing. I saw what looked to be a few good sized rooms of old carpet in there. I swear I think some people bring along their household trash and anything else they might have trouble getting rid of when they come to camp!

Anonymous said...

How sad, no regard for nature!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

No wonder we used to have that single-tear Indian commercial for public service! The road to my grandma's house was about 6 miles of two-lane blacktop. TWO areas of that road had a place big enough to pull off and park, where people dumped things! Like it was the most acceptable thing in the world!

I never heard my mom or dad say what a shame it was for all that trash to be piled there. It didn't even cost anything to take stuff to the "city dump," which was about 4 miles in the other direction, on a road that branched off from this one. That's where my dad took stuff, in the days before recycling, and even though it stunk, with several fires always burning in the piles, it was a treat to go there. For this kid, anyway!

OMG! I'd like to say I can't believe that people dump carpets in your bin, but I totally DO believe it! Maybe it's not only your campers, but people who sneak in, obeying the speed limit in the middle of the night...

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm sure it's not the people who live on this road doing the junking! I think it's the ones who use our roads as a shortcut to get to another blacktop road. Ours will get them there in two miles of gravel, while the county blacktop roads take them 6 miles. It's not even that big a time-saver.

The beer cans are Natural Light. Or Natty Light, as Genius calls it. A cheap beer favored by students and cheap people, I suppose. Anyhoo...there's a cardboard case laying about where I was parked in T-Hoe.

Here's the thing. When the boys were still home, riding with me, we'd see a guy in a truck coming out of our road a lot, as we came home from school. One time he was stopped, peeing, and another he was putting beer from a case into a cooler. It was Natty Light. We'd also see other Natty Light cases along the blacktop road.

My theory is that this guy takes our route after working closer to the city, uses our shortcut, and sometimes wants to get rid of his evidence at our expense! Either way, he's pretty obviously drinking and driving. Ne'er-do-well!

River said...

Shame on all of them! I'm in a grump mood today and you'll see why when you read my blog.
Anyway, I have the same trouble here, our complex of government housing flats has a very low fence, about three bricks high and on any day I can walk along the footpath and see rubbish from fast food places thrown into the garden areas or even just tossed on the footpath.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I just read it, and I share your outrage! People are pigs! And thieves!