Monday, October 22, 2018

Trying To Pass The Cash

By now, you've probably heard the news that Mrs. HM did not win the MegaMillions jackpot on Friday night. Well...perhaps not heard such specific news, but deduced it from the fact that there was no winner. Darn that single ticket that I bought!

I don't normally play MegaMillions anyway. The odds are so astronomical. But I can't see letting an opportunity pass me by for a mere $2 chance every now and then, when the jackpot is ridiculously high. It hasn't been won since back in July, from what I read. I'd say I buy less than 10 MegaMillions or PowerBall tickets per year. Not a good investment, in my opinion, when scratchers pay me back at least part of my wager. Sometimes more.

Don't you go worrying your pretty little heads about Mrs. HM, though. She's doing okay. Because last week, she bought this:

It's the new $5 Christmas ticket from Missouri Lottery. The game is based on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation movie. I got the camper symbol, which means I won ALL 15 PRIZES. Yeah. Pretty exciting. It adds up to $100.

This came within five days of my Multiplier win of $100, where I got the 20X symbol with $5. I bought it at Orb K on October 12th, and this one at Country Mart's left machine on October 17th.

I hope my boys have good luck on the tickets I'm sending them with their Halloween goodies. Unlike a card game called Pass the Trash, I'm going to think of this venture as Pass the Cash.


River said...

Gosh darn it all! Now I'm thinking I may have to splurge another $1 and see if I can't get another lucky streak. Maybe a $2 ticket this time? I have a stash of small change somewhere around here....

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sorry about providing this temptation! When I show a good winner to Farmer H, he runs out to buy a ticket. The ex mayor used to do the same thing, when I was sending Sis pictures of my windfalls. Shame on me!

Anonymous said...

But winning a billion or so would put you way past the pennyillionaire status!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Well...there's that. Gotta take the bad with the good, I suppose!

River said...

I did buy another $1 ticket and won $2, so I'll play it out again like last time, see how far it gets me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Good for you!