Wednesday, October 31, 2018

It's A Sad Day When I Have To Tell Farmer H To Keep His Hands Off The Sausage

Sunday evening, Farmer H grilled some pork steaks and bratwursts. The pork steaks came in a package of three, and the bratwursts were a six-pack.

Let the record show that these were not commercially-processed sausages, such as the Johnsonville brand. We've had them, but prefer the ones I get at Save A Lot. They are made in Save A Lot's meat department, and are a little longer, and less uniformly-shaped than the standard commercial bratwurst. We've tried different flavors, decreed a moratorium on the jalapeno version, and decided we like the plain bratwursts. While I'd never want to see the sausages being made, I do love the pop of the natural casing when biting into one that Farmer H has cooked on Gassy G.

As usual, Farmer H carried the meat into the Mansion on a foil-covered pizza pan. It's a shock that he doesn't lose his sausage by letting it roll away from him. We also had a lettuce salad with mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, and shredded cheddar, along with some baked beans that proclaimed themselves to be the steakhouse version. I was not a fan of the beans. Farmer H was not a fan of the slaw, and did not partake.

Anyhoo...I told Farmer H to get his plate, and then set my food aside while I put the next two days' leftovers in FRIG II, and washed up the dishes. We both ate part of a pork steak, and a sausage, leaving four sausages, and one and two-halves pork steaks, for future meals.

Farmer H had plans to attend an auction on Monday evening, requiring him to leave home at 4:30. He said he'd get his own meal warmed up, to eat before he left, and that he didn't need a salad that night.

Imagine my surprise, when I opened up the meat container later to warm my own supper, and found all the pork steak pieces remaining, and only two sausages (when I was expecting to see three). Seems that Farmer H had warmed up two sausages with the beans for his supper. I assume because it was the EASIEST thing to do. Or maybe relating to the fact that those were really good sausages!

Therein lies the problem. Unchecked, Farmer H would think nothing of eating two of the remaining sausages for his lunch the next day, and the whole pork steak for his supper. THAT'S NOT FAIR! We were each due three sausages and 1.5 pork steaks. Spread out over three days. I woudn't mind at all eating my half a pork steak, and Farmer H's remaining half from the first night. He could have that whole one all to himself on the third night. IT'S THE SAUSAGE, PEOPLE! I demand my fair share of the sausage!

I think maybe I need to find a hobby, now that Farmer H is fully retired...


Anonymous said...

ANOTHER hobby, besides getting pissed by Farmer H?

River said...

You need to separate those leftovers into containers labelled with your names, maybe put a skull and crossbones symbol on yours.
Or copy joeh's wife Mrs C and put a towel over them, ha ha.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah, that one DOES keep me pretty busy. Like a full-time job. With overtime.

Heh, heh! Silly me thought Farmer H understood the concepts of dividing things equally, and fair play. He does not. A towel might work, because he is surely lazy enough not to look under it.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

You have to hide the stuff you want! You put it in a container and label it to be something he doesn't like!

Hillbilly Mom said...

My old teaching buddy Kellie recommends wrapping it in foil, and putting it on the back of the bottom shelf of FRIG II. She kept a chocolate Easter bunny for months like that. Though a chocolate Easter bunny would never be safe from ME for that long.