Wednesday, August 16, 2023

They Could Call It A Po' Mom

I know I revealed that TWICE this month, I have turned down a trip to the casino with Farmer H in his travels to procure merchandise in Casino Town for his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). I can't remember if I shared my latest heartbreak...

In perusing the casino's Facebook page, I saw something that made my blood run cold, and my saliva flow like the Niagara River cascading over the falls.


Yes! It's at the grill where we always have lunch. Only available for the month of August! I have been missing out on a Chicken Liver Po' Boy! Let the record show that Mrs. HM luuurrrrves her some chicken livers! So this is a treat that must be tried.

Not sure if I'll get the chance. Farmer H is having eye surgery on Friday. So he might not be driving around for a while. The Pony offered to take me. He kind of drives like Farmer H. Well. He used to. Maybe now that he has to drive every day at work, he has more experience. Thought he DOES drive with a steering wheel on the right side of the vehicle...

Anyhoo... I don't know how to get the picture off their Facebook page to show you. I'll give it a try, but not sure how long it will remain.

Here's the description: 

Crispy chicken livers, bacon fat aioli, and lime carrot slaw all served on a toasted french demi baguette.

Who WOULDN'T want to try that??? The Pony, for one. But he can get something else. Still not sure I am feeling up to such a long drive. But if I do, I'll be having that Chicken Liver Po' Boy!


River said...

I do hope you get one. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't want to be responsible for disfiguring your fingers! Just depends on how the stars align. Not sure of the odds on my knees feeling good on a day someone will drive me down there.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Not my favorite, I do love gizzards, though. My brother-in-law loves the livers, too. He ordered them when HeWho was tryin to make me a widow in St. Louis. My grandson Gavin was there, too. Gavin is a good sport about trying new foods and tried to eat one, but ended up spitting in his napkin. Since then Gavin has been the favorite great nephew of my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. They sing his praises.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's too much work to chew the gizzards, but I like them as well. Good for Gavin. The Pony would never try a chicken liver, I'm sure.