Sunday, August 27, 2023

Third Time's A Charm

Like one of my favorite singers, Mary Chapin Carpenter, I take my chances

I was in Save A Lot on Friday, and saw some bratwursts. Perhaps you remember how those dirty dirty liars in the meat department labeled such bratwursts as BACON, when in fact they were CHEESE. So I gave them a close inspection. Didn't see any CHEESE in them like the ones in a package labeled CHEESE. I did not see the PLAIN version, but took a chance on the PINEAPPLE and BROWN SUGAR flavor.


Farmer H grilled them on Saturday evening. We both agree that I should get that version again. Right now we have enough for two more meals. We ate them with a salad of romaine, broccoli, shredded cheddar, and fresh garden tomatoes that one of Farmer H's buddies had given him. Wonderful tomatoes, all misshapen and bumpy and dark red, meaty inside, not all seedy and waxy.

I'm glad I took my chances.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I love pineapple and that would appeal to me. Truth in labeling!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

OH MY GOSH! They are SO DELICIOUS! Especially when you get a bite of a little pineapple chunk. I will definitely buy them again.

River said...

I do love meaty tomatoes and they are so hard to find! Everything here is jiuce and seeds inside a tomato skin. Soggy sandwich anyone?
The bratwursts sound delicious. I remember the pineapple brown sugar combo from when I used to make pineapple upside down cake.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I agree. I won't put a tomato slice on my burger or sandwich. I slice it into little wedges and eat it on the side, with a fork. That way a lot of the juice and seeds have run out in the bowl.

The bratwursts are fantastic! Just enough sweetness to give them flavor. They have that SNAP when you bite into them. Quite tasty. Farmer H is a good griller!