Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Scenes From A Task Struggle On A Hillmomba Hill

It has been two days since the thunderstorm wind blew a tree down on our gravel road at the bottom of Farmer H and Buddy's Badly Blacktopped Hill.

Nobody has tried to clear the tree.

I remarked to Farmer H on Sunday evening when I got back from town:

"I guess everybody is waiting for Hill Man to get the tree off the road. Since it's a tree from his property."

"I don't know what's wrong with people! I started to get the tractor and go down there and shove it back, but then I remembered my tractor is parked over in The Pony's yard."

"Well. ONE of your tractors."

"The one that runs!"

"I can't believe these people out here! Who do they think is going to clear that tree? Nobody ever volunteers for anything anymore!"

"Well, I thought it would be gone. This afternoon when I came home, I saw Hill Man and his two buddies down there looking at the tree. I figured they was gonna move it. They're thick as thieves. They're the ones who've been blading the road."

"Maybe they're tired of doing it for nothing. But it IS a tree on Hill Man's property. So he has more responsibility for it that anyone else."

"What I don't get is that a couple of those guys are YOUNG! In their 30s. And one of them does tree-trimming for a living!"

"I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for anyone to move that tree. I'll just keep driving around it."

At least Farmer H had good intentions about moving the tree. That's more than I imagine any of the other freeloaders out here did. There are 13 families that use this section of road. A chainsaw could cut off the limbs that are in the road, and a guy could shove them over that tree trunk so they're off the road. It's not rocket science, and it's not that much work. The trunk itself is not in the way.


River said...

Perhaps Hill Man and his buddies (sons?) haven't yet finished discussing what is to be done and which of them will do it.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Hill Man's sons are the ages of Genius and The Pony, and don't live around here. He and his buddies hang out and ride their Gator-things together and drink beer. Farmer H knows them all and gets along with them.

The only thing that really needs done is for the road-limbs to be sawed off and tossed. So not sure why the lack of action. The big trunk itself is fine where it is, not blocking the road at all. They could take a cooler of beer on their Gator-things, and make a party of it. A party with CHAINSAWS! Farmer H was thinking about going down there himself with a chainsaw, but he had other things to do. And there's the fact that it's not his land or tree...

River said...

Beer and chainsaws don't seem like a good combination to me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Anything that gets the job done! Yesterday (Wednesday evening), the young tree-trimmer guy was sitting on his Gator-thing near Hill Man's driveway, talking on his phone. Farmer H also passed him, and said the guy was going down to move the limbs. HE DID! Although another calamity befell us... story coming on not-so-secret blog in a couple days.