Sunday, November 5, 2023

Sometimes, Jack Can Be A Little Devil

Jack has adapted quite well to having Scarlett join our family. Even though Farmer H originally thought Jack and Copper Jack were leading the unleashed Scarlett off the property and leaving her, I did not agree. Anyhoo... Jack has never growled or snapped at her, instead following her around, sniffing her butt, humping now and then, and romping.

At first Scarlett ignored Jack, not knowing that she was a DOG. She now interacts with him. Sometimes by growling or snapping when she objects to the humping. She also goes after his food and treats if he's not quick enough.

When I leave for town, it is Jack's time for petting. He is calm and whimpers as if talking back to me, when I hug him on the side porch, and let him put his nose under my lovely lady-mullet. I think he remembers back to when he was a pup, and we sat on the front porch pew, with him crawling around the back of my neck like a heeler/dachshund stole when I put him up on my shoulder to pet him. Scarlett has no interest in me when I leave, other than the thumb-sized scrap of bread I toss both of them. It's when I come back that Scarlett goes nuts.

Return time is for Scarlett-petting. She meets me in the garage. She knows now not to jump up on me. If I open T-Hoe's rear, she will put her feet on the bumper. This is our preferred petting method. She has stopped trying to jump into T-Hoe. She does not put her feet on me. When she leans too heavily on me, creeping to get closer, the petting ends. So she's been better about that. She gets a hug. Then I tell her to get down, so I can carry in groceries.

At the side porch, if I only have my purse and water bottle on my arm, I will pet Scarlett if she stays calm. She is always poised to leap at me. So I have to stand at arm's length, talking calmly, venturing a head pat. If she stays calm, I will go a little closer to pat her back and shoulders and rub her chest. She's always trembling with excitement, just one bad choice away from leaping at my shoulders, teetering on the edge of the porch like a circus elephant on top of a ball.

Jack stands beside Scarlett at these times, and often gets a peripheral pat if Scarlett doesn't notice. An overflow pat, if you will, as my hand slides off of Scarlett momentarily. Other times, Jack goes straight to sniffing Scarlett's butt while she's preoccupied.

Friday, Scarlett was trying SO HARD to be good. To get a more lengthy petting on the side porch. Trembling with excitement, but maintaining her position without springing at me. 


Not at all gracefully, like when she makes a leap and I sidestep. This time, she landed half on the steps, half on the sidewalk. I asked is she was okay. She didn't answer, but came back up and got another pat. 

The cause of Scarlett's awkward ejection from the side porch was JACK! He poked her hard, with his nose, in her right haunch. Jack is a sturdy fellow. Muscular. Low to the ground, with digging toenails. He braced himself and HERDED Scarlett right off the porch! Jack used to do this with our black tuxedo cat, Stockings. Poke him right off the porch for sport, even though Stockings clung till the last minute with his claws.

That darn Jack! I guess he might be a little jealous of Scarlett these days.


River said...

I think Jack is definitely a little jealous, you may have to give him and extra pat while Scarlett gets hers.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. Jack has been patient for a long time, standing aside, giving Scarlett the side-eye when I chastise her for leaping at me, and allowing her the petting when she's good.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Jack thinks he is YOUR dog and Scarlett needs to wait for her master to pet her! Eddie is jealous if Bo gets more attention than him. Bo just leaps into my lap and pays Eddie no mind. Toni is jealous of Bo, but not Eddie. Eddie hates any sign of affection HeWho might bestow upon me. A good night kiss makes him crawl his way between us. All of my doxies were jealous about me and would try shunning me if I left them for a weekend with HeWho.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Jack and I definitely have a bond. He romps with Copper Jack all day, but when I come home from town, Jack must defend me by snarling and barking, even though I am fine with Copper Jack, and give him a treat also.

HOS (Farmer H's Oldest Son) brought Jack to me during a week that Farmer H was gone to Germany or Switzerland or France, helping a plant there get underway. Jack was only 5 weeks old, a tiny thing not yet ready to leave his dachshund mom, but the owners wanted to get rid of the pups. The Pony was in his last year of high school. We brought Jack into the Mansion at night, while Farmer H was gone. Shh... he does not know this. Jack slept in a tote beside The Pony's bed. Jack really, really loves me. We bonded when The Pony left for college that fall, and Farmer H was still working.