Friday, November 17, 2023

The Lengths Farmer H Goes To Simply To Be Contrary

Farmer H is forever ridiculing things I say, and declaring that the opposite is true. No matter what the subject, he has a better explanation. 

For a week, there has been a deer carcass beside the road down by Mailbox Row. The ribs and spine and pretty much the whole deer shape. On the way to the doctor nurse practitioner on Tuesday, I made a comment to Farmer H.

"I guess that means poachers have been out here."


"Then why is there a deer carcass here?"

"Somebody dumped it after they took the meat they wanted."

"Yeah. Poachers. They shot it, butchered it, and left the carcass. Then animals drug it out of the woods."

"No. Somebody was hunting, and brought it back after they got their meat."

"You mean they legally hunted it, drove it to town for tagging, butchered it somewhere, and then drove it back out here?"


"I don't believe that for a minute! Nobody is driving their deer to town, then driving it back out here to leave the carcass."

"Yeah they do. They don't have anywhere to get rid of the bones. So they bring it back."

I beg to differ. No city person is going to take a deer to town and cut off the meat, then drive the rest back out here. Somebody killed it in the woods, didn't take it to the check-in station because they probably didn't have a deer tag, and then left the rest. Or tossed it out of their truck as they started to town. Nobody's bringing it back here! There are plenty of places closer than our Mailbox Row. They could have tossed it in the creek at the low water bridge. 

If I had suggested that town people drove their deer carcass back out here to dump, Farmer H would have declared that it was poachers!


Pudge450 said...

You husband MUST be related to my husband. He will argue with you over things he has no knowledge of and just makes up “facts” as he goes along. And if I take the time to prove him wrong, he just changes his argument and starts over again.

River said...

I agree with you this time, definitely poachers.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's like they think we won't know they're talking out their rumpus! Farmer H does it mostly on things he thinks I don't know much about. Like hunting, or car parts, or plumbing (I'm still reeling from his 45-degree angle sewer pipe discussion). The more details they give, the easier they are to call out on their shenanigans!

THIS TIME!!! Does that mean you have switched over to the dark side to agree with Farmer H on previous occasions? You must have been in a fever delirium!