Monday, November 20, 2023

The Pony Is Still Kickin'

The Pony recovered from his sickness of Thursday, and was able to volunteer on Sunday. At 11:58, he sent me a text:

"Just finished. Did a bit under 4 hours. So I'll make $120ish after taxes."

"That's a good deal!"

"Also pretty sure I set the alarm off since the garage door was open but something started beeping when I came in through it after parking, since my Metris goes down under."

Since The Pony used his sick time for Thursday when he was off, this extra work Sunday was overtime for him. So he got overtime pay.

The main post office has an underground garage, which is where The Pony parked the Metris van that he used on the route. Not sure why the alarm went off. I am sure he's not the first person to ever do that! Possibly not even on this day, since I am sure there were others still working when The Pony was done at noon.

The Pony had plans to stop by the store for supplies to make hamburgers, and have some wine. Hopefully he didn't cook up a batch of food poisoning...


River said...

I'm 99% sure The Pony won't be cooking up anything that will make him ill.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. What he cooks, he cooks well. But I DO have to tell him when it's time to discard leftovers I send home after a holiday meal.