Thursday, November 16, 2023

The New And Improved Method For Irritating Mrs. HM In The Convenience Store

Just when I thought I'd experienced every method my fellow convenience store patrons could devise to annoy me... a dude upgraded his game on Wednesday.

I stepped into the Gas Station Chicken Store, and was pleased to see only one person at the counter. He was an Old Man around 60-something, in jeans and a flannel shirt, despite the 66 degree temperature. Old Man was paying for gas, because I heard Clerkie (not the favorite) ask him if he had $20 on Pump 4. He nodded.

The reason Old Man nodded and didn't speak is because he was already busy speaking to his wife on his phone. I hate it when people do that! Just put it down and do your business. Here's how it works: "Just a minute. I'm paying." See? Relatively painless, no matter what relative you are speaking to!

But that's not the worst part. Old Man was on SPEAKER PHONE! So we had to listen to the whole conversation. Me while itching to get to buying scratchers, and Clerkie while trying to move her line. Which was only Old Man and me. But you know how it goes in a convenience store. One minute you've got one customer, and the next minute there are seven lining up in the aisles.

The conversation was about somebody wanting permission to deer hunt on their property, and wife agreeing to it, but then the somebody demanding that Old Man move his trailer. Which I assumed was a camper some guys use for deer hunting, which must have been on the somebody's land, or just in the way of where he wanted to hunt. I came in on the middle of the conversation, so don't have full details. Not that I wanted ANY!

Then Wife says, "Well, I guess I'm done complaining..."

WHAT? How can someone EVER be done complaining, heh, heh!

Anyhoo... Old Man was still talking to her when he almost knocked me over turning around to put his red tickets in the box for the weekly gas drawing. See? He could have been hurt, by not paying attention to his surroundings. I'm not at all mobile. In a game of chicken, I'm going to win, because I can't side-step. My balance is not good, and I'm not quick.

Surely there can be no new way to draw my ire in a line now...


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I hate listening to what should be private conversations. Are these people on a reality show and we just don't see the camera crew? I was talking to HeWho in a restaurant the other day and he kept asking me to repeat what I said, so I finally did and then he was mad at me for talking too loud! I was just trying to make a point about his crappy hearing aids .... Now all the people in the restaurant know he has hearing aids that don't work.

River said...

You can't side step? At all? That's not good.
Why can't the hunter just work around the trailer I wonder?

Hillbilly Mom said...

HeWho should be careful what he asks for!

If I am standing on level ground, and plan to side-step, I can. I cannot react to somebody coming around a corner, or barreling right at me. My feet will shuffle on the ground, and I'll trip. Especially when my knees are stiff from standing.

Maybe the hunter put up a tree stand without considering the background where he'd be shooting? And might hit the trailer with an errant shot? And is too lazy to move his tree stand? Who knows!