Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Pony Protection Plan

I was shocked to open up the online local newspaper, and see that The Pony's town was under a BOIL WATER order! Apparently, a pipe broke on Sunday night, and the news just got reported! I think the city sent out notices to those who were signed up for them.

The Pony must have signed up, because when I sent him a text Wednesday afternoon about the boil water order, he said he already knew. That work was included in it, but his house was not! So he's been filling his water jugs at home. That's better news than when the water break was right beside The Pony's house!

Anyhoo... he's only about three blocks off the area designated for boiling. I guess three blocks is as good as a mile!

I suppose seeing ladybugs every day this week is a good omen for The Pony! SOMETHING out there is protecting him!


River said...

I think "they"should have informed people immediately, but I guess late is better than never. even three blocks away I would still boil my drinking water if I used tap water.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony thinks he is invincible. Even without 24/7 ladybug protection!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

We buy drinking water in 3 gallon bottles to be dispensed from the big thing in the kitchen. I suppose we could put a filter on the kitchen sink ..... oh, wait, we have a filter! HeWho bought it right after we moved here, he just hasn't had the time to install it, saying it was going to take up a lot of space under the sink and he wasn't sure if I was willing to clean out all the stuff stored under the sink! I did just that and he had one excuse after another, so I put it all back. Like Daddy said, he is my idiot!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Better the idiot you know, I suppose, than one you don't. At least you can easily predict HeWho's actions.