Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Farmer H Makes It Easy, If I Was So Inclined

I am not trying to kill Farmer H. But if I WAS...

When The Pony was here on Sunday, I gave him some storebought Cookies and Cream Brownies. Just a plastic bakery container, with brownies that had white icing with Oreo bits mixed in. They were pre-cut in squares. The Pony didn't eat any while he was here, but I intended for him to take the brownies home. I asked him to leave a couple on a plate for Farmer H.

The Pony did so. Two brownies still stuck together, on a small paper plate on the cutting block.

When we were getting our lunch ready earlier (The Pony's being easy, since it was Hardee's chicken tenders in a bag on the table), I got some olives out of FRIG II to go with my pinwheels. I used a blue plastic fork to get them out of the jar. I love olives! And I love plastic forks! I wash my plastic forks. I prefer them over metal, unless we're having something like meat that needs cutting. Anyhoo... I licked the blue plastic fork, and laid it down on the cutting block, because The Pony was between me and the sink counter.

You guessed it! When Farmer H came home from driving The Pony back to town, he warmed up leftover pizza, then picked up his brownies for dessert. Yes. Both of them. Remember, we're talking about Farmer H. I didn't notice until later that there was a blue plastic fork in the wastebasket.

What in the Not-Heaven? I do not throw away a plastic fork unless it is broken! I didn't think The Pony would have done that. I rescued my precious plastic fork, and noticed that there was something brown on the back of the tines.


Farmer H had taken my licked-off olive fork from the cutting block to use for eating his brownies. Serves him right! Not my fault he can't reach into a drawer and get his own fork. It's not like the blue plastic fork was laid on his brownie plate. Or even next to it. That fork was on the other side of the cutting block, laying tine-points down.

I guess my cooties didn't make Farmer H sick. He's still very much alive.


River said...

He probably thought you had laid it out for him though it was way over on the other side.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Of course. Because it's ALL ABOUT HIM! Even though I put his silverware on his plate every time I set it out, he would assume any random item within reach that he wanted was meant for him. Good thing it wasn't something I used to smash a bug, or dig out expired food for the dogs!