Friday, October 25, 2024

Like A Ray Of Sunlight Through The Dark Clouds

Poor Pony, in the midst of a multitude of tribulations tossed at him by The Universe... found a bright spot when arriving at work on Tuesday morning.

"Somebody brought pulled pork today so I had it for breakfast."

Yes. Take pleasure in the simple things in life! 

Lest you think this might be a weird breakfast, remember that most of the carriers are NOT in the office at lunch time. They are out on their routes. From my readings on Reddit, anything is fair game for breakfast if you find it in the break room. Tacos, hamburgers. Gotta fortify yourself for the day. Anything is a treat to start your 11-mile route. Not that all routes are the same. But The Pony's is 11 miles.

Besides, it's pork and potatoes and bread. People have that for breakfast all the time, right? Sausage and hash browns and toast. Not so crazy.


Rae said...

Different countries eat much different foods for breakfast. I just read a blog where she said there would probably be less waste if we changed our attitude about what breakfast is. She said if you would eat a muffin at lunch or dinner, why not cake for breakfast? Seems plausible to me. You're breaking your fast, shouldn't define food types, I suppose. Ranee

Hillbilly Mom said...

I've had cake for breakfast! And leftover cold pizza. My mom cooked a hamburger for my sister's breakfast one time. So I see no problem with The Pony's pulled pork sandwich, heh, heh! Just thought other people might think it odd.

River said...

This reminds me I have pulled roast beef in the freezer. I call it shredded beef but it's the same thing. I have 5 ziploc baggies with enough for two sandwiches per bag. My breakfast is almost always hot porridge, even in summer.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I hope you have some BBQ sauce!

During my second year of teaching, when I lived in an apartment in an old railroad hotel about 20 feet from the tracks... I ate Cream of Wheat for breakfast every day, and sometimes supper as well. Cream of Wheat, with a spoonful of sugar sprinkled on top. It was filling, and nice and warm for when I walked to work in the winter.