Tuesday, October 8, 2024

People Are Driving Me Crazy, And It Ain't The Elderlies

Sweet Gummi Mary! The milk of human kindness has soured! Been clabbered! 

My week was full of entitled rumpusholes rumpusholing their way through red lights, driving down the middle of the road, parking in handicap spaces, and striding through convenience stores like Olympic race-walkers!

At the Hillmomba Casey's, I couldn't park T-Hoe in my rightful handicap space (the ONLY handicap space) because a dirty white pickup truck with a dirty red off-road 4-wheeler in the back was parked in it. Strangely enough, there was no handicap license plate, nor placard on the mirror. And the dirty 20-something guy who got into it as I was leaving did not have any visible sign of different-abledness. I suppose he thought that blue sign, and stencil on the pavement, were artistic exhibits.

As I was buckling in to leave Casey's, parked next to the handicap space in what was not really a space, but the end of the building where the large dumpster sits... ANOTHER truck pulled into that handicap space! Again, no plate, no placard, no evidence of a handicap on the 30-something dude who jumped out.

When I went to fetch The Pony on Sunday, I stopped into the School-Turn Casey's for scratchers. On my way toward the door after my purchase, a 20-something guy flew past me like crazy Scarlett. He actually brushed against my side in his haste to beat me to the door.

"Oops." Was all he said, as he rushed out, letting the door close in my face.

I can't wait until they discover the secret that one day, THEY WILL BE OLD!


River said...

IT's true, one day they will be old and will be treated the same way they treat people now. Because the youngsters coming up behind them are watching and learning.

Hillbilly Mom said...

So true! They will be reaping what they are currently sowing!