Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Poor Pony. Still Being Tormented By The Universe.

The Pony received some depressing news on Saturday morning. The USPS City Carriers have been working for 20 months without a contract. It has been in negotiation all that time. Not sure what could have taken so long. But apparently that's standard operating procedure for the post office. During this time, they were not getting their cost-of-living adjustments. Some of the carriers who are ready to retire were waiting... to be sure they would get their back pay raise for the time they worked without the contract.

Anyhoo... the result was finally released on Saturday morning. It was a disappointment and an insult. Only a 1.3 percent raise. The Pony was saddened to hear about it. Most others were spitting mad! Their union will still have a chance to vote on whether to accept it. The feeling being that it couldn't get much worse, but it could take another 20 months in arbitration. So The Pony was off on his route with that on his mind.

But wait! That wasn't enough shenanigans for The Universe! Later in the afternoon, The Pony's cell phone fell out of his pocket and shattered! At least it's still operational.

As if those events were not sufficient to make The Universe chortle with glee... The Pony felt the beginnings of a cold, with a sore throat and runny nose.

Sometime soon, The Pony's luck needs to change.


River said...

I will toch wood, draw four leaf clovers and cross my fingers for The Pony. Perhaps he should buy one of those phone covers that hooks to your pants or belt?

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony will appreciate any help he can get! Farmer H has one of those phone holders for his belt, with a velcro top to keep it from falling out. I don't know if The Pony wears a belt with his work uniform.

The Pony has a protective case on his phone, but I guess if it hits the ground just right, that's not effective in preventing the screen from cracking. Mine fell face down on a piece of gravel on the carport when the dogs jumped up as I was getting out of A-Cad after a casino trip when Genius was here.