Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Successful Grilling

Farmer H reported that he did NOT need a whacking stick. That Pupsie behaved herself while he was grilling pork steaks on GassyG Jr on Monday evening. For a dog who doesn't seem to like us, that Pupsie sure spends a lot of time lurking around us, wagging her tail, barking all night to warn us of imagined intruders, and lying at the porch corner listening for sounds of us inside!

The pork steaks were great this time! None of the toughness that we'd experienced with the meat that last two times I'd bought them, at two different stores. Farmer H is a great griller. Just the right amount of sauce. He knows I like mine to get a little burnt around the edges.

That's three-and-a-half pork steaks. Farmer H already cut his in half (or 2/3) and ate it. I cut mine in half, and had a side of sliced onion and a dill pickle spear with it. I didn't want any of the potatoes. Not because they turned out poorly (which they DID, at first!) but because I didn't want more food with that big section of meat.

They look pretty good here, after doctoring them up while Farmer H was grilling. I had cooked them in my roaster pan, layered with onions and a little vegetable oil and pepper. THEY HAD NO TASTE! Maybe it's because I used russet potatoes instead of Yukon Gold this time, because they were on sale. 

Anyhoo... I transferred half the potatoes/onions into a casserole dish, sprinkled them with Worcestershire Sauce and some powdered Hidden Valley Ranch mix, then warmed the dish in the oven. Farmer H pronounced them delicious. I tried a bite, and they DID have flavor. Farmer H will be eating these potatoes again until the pork steaks are gone. I prefer a small side salad.

Because we are giddy with the weather and grilled meat, we have invited The Pony to come to the Mansion on Sunday for a cookout. It will be steaks and sausages then.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

They do look good! The potatoes, I mean. Eating anything chewy is not something I can easily do right now, with no molars on the bottom. I did eat a salad yesterday and it was not a pretty sight. I tend to drool a little as I masticate with my front teeth. Bo enjoys this and sits next to my shoulder to grab any falling food!

Hillbilly Mom said...

The pork steaks are really good, but they DO require some chewing. They're not fall-apart tender like when they're slow-cooked in a vat of BBQ sauce. At least they're a normal consistency, unlike the last couple purchases that could pull your teeth out!

I am picturing Bo like a parrot on your pirate shoulder!

River said...

The pork steaks DO look good, but I am not a fan of pork. I'm in the same boat as Kathy when it comes to lower molars, I only have one on each side until I get the denture made and they don't quite match up with the upper molars for chewing purposes. I find myself taking baby bites of everything.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Aside from not liking pork, you would do well with the BBQ pork steaks I used to get from the deli at Country Mart, which has now become 10Box with no deli. I haven't tried finding them at the other Country Mart I go to now, because their deli workers are not great with customer service. Anyhoo... those must have been slow-cooked all night in the sauce. They would fall apart in your mouth. You could have cut one with a plastic fork, they were so tender.

If you want to check out Kathy's new blog, it's at
She was having a stalker problem, so I didn't put the link in my sidebar on my other blog.