Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Pony Is Coming, The Pony Is Coming!

No, you don't have to be on alert for an invasion by land. The Pony is coming home for Christmas, and is on the road at this very moment. He only makes it home about twice a year. Last Thanksgiving, he wrecked his car when he fell asleep at the wheel, and could have perished, had not the Nissan Rogue been a very safer automobile for driving off the highway into a stand of trees. This Thanksgiving, Farmer H and I made a trip to visit him at OU for Thanksgiving.

Now he's on the way, though. Thanks to planning that rivals the D-Day invasion of Normandy. Farmer H and HOS drove A-Cad and the truck out to College Town to meet with Genius this morning. They left the truck for the loading of Genius's apartment furniture he does not want. They continued to Joplin to meet The Pony at Steak 'n' Shake for lunch. Then HOS drove The Pony's car, and The Pony rode with Farmer H to College Town to pick up the loaded truck. That way, The Pony didn't get white-line fever on a 9-hour drive, and Farmer H got the truck full of stuff to bring back to The Mansion and BARn for storage, and A-Cad full of stuff to move to Kansas City on Monday.

Right now, I am expecting The Pony to arrive first. I will start making his requested supper of shell pasta and sauce when he gets here. Farmer H will arrive about an hour later, after his truck is loaded by Genius. HOS will arrive around the same time as Farmer H, but he's not planning on having supper with us. I guess Genius was busy using Farmer H's truck to deliver the washer and dryer, and the couch he had promised various acquaintances who wanted to purchase them.

I kind of complain about all the preparations I have to make for Christmas...but Farmer H will be spending 4 days on the road, what with Genius's pre-graduation lunch, his graduation, The Pony's arrival, and Genius's move.

Almost three down now for Farmer H, one to go. I only have Christmas dinner and the gift-wrapping left. It's way easier now that I'm RETIRED!


Anonymous said...

FOUR days without Farmer H? Now, that's retirement!!

River said...

You had me at shell pasta and sauce. Should I bring my own cutlery?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Actually, I only had two days without Farmer H. Not that I'm complaining! I was a captive rider for his sweaving on the trips to take Genius to lunch, and see him graduate.

Yes! I don't want to take a chance on losing a fork!