Sunday, September 29, 2019

It's The Opposite Of Hearing Voices, I Guess

It's happening again!

Technically, it didn't stop happening. The day that I typed up my post about the wifi spying on me about cigarette smoke at the casino... I got an evening call from Farmer H. By that time, I was sitting in front of New Delly in my basement lair.

Let the record show that Farmer H called on the landline. I picked up the phone and answered. Farmer H talked about what he did that day. One outing was to a Devil's Playground, to buy a pair of nail clippers because apparently Farmer H grows talons over the span of a week away from home.

Let the record further show that Farmer H's voice was coming from his cell phone, courtesy of SPRINT, in Nevada, through the invisible airwaves, and into the handset of my landline, courtesy of AT&T.

Let the ever-expanding record illustrate that I get my gossip news from the U.K. DAILY MAIL. It usually causes New Delly to lock up after a while, due to all the ads running in the background. Still, I must keep informed.

As I was scrolling down the page looking for juicy stories after my Farmer H conversation, I encountered an ad:

"Top U.S. surgeons invent a pain free nail clipper specifically designed to aid seniors."

It was accompanied by a giant picture of a nail clipper.

So now, the spying must be INSIDE MY LEFT EAR, because I didn't type anything about a nail clipper. I didn't speak the words nail clipper. New Delly most certainly could not have heard Farmer H's voice inside my landline receiver earpiece.

Before you do the crazy temple swirly finger, ask yourself: "How was this possible?"

Uh huh. Thought so.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Okay, that is spooky!

Hillbilly Mom said...

And they know I'm OLD! With raggedly nails.

River said...

Perhaps "they" are listening in via Farmer H's cell phone. I've got a pair of nail clippers in the bathroom, another right beside my laptop and other pairs scattered around in every bag I own, along with a comb, several bandaids, nail file and chapstick. My nails can get raggedy just walking from home to the bus stop, so I carry stuff to fix them because I hate when they catch on things like the inside of my pocket as I pull out my bus pass.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's even scarier, to think they hear Farmer H's cell phone in Nevada, and link it to my computer in my basement lair, which he has never used.

I need to find a nail file. I forget about it every time I'm in The Devil's Playground.

River said...

Write it in capital letters at the top of your shopping list then buy half a dozen and keep one everywhere.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I always write in capital letters, but I can add it to the top of my list.