Wednesday, September 18, 2019

It's So Easy, Squeezing Green

Look what I bought myself!

It's a squeezer for the tiny limes for my daily 44 oz Diet Coke. I found it in the alcohol aisles at The Devil's Playground. You might ask, "Mrs. Hillbilly Mom, you naughty teetotaler, what were you doing on the alcohol aisles?" I was on the water aisle, getting flavored waters for Farmer H, and my route was blocked by another poor sap who shops with The Devil. So I turned the corner and went up the next aisle, where these beautiful gadgets were hanging.

There were two choices, yellow or green. Well! Green is my favorite color. Besides, I'm squeezing LIMES, not lemons! So of course green was a must.

I gotta admit, when I took this picture, I'd already used my squeezer. It's METAL, even though it looks like plastic. The cut half-limes fit just right. Squeezing was easy. Easier than cutting my limes into quarters, and squeezing them over a pasta strainer propped on my 44 oz foam cup, using my arthritic old-lady hands.

I'm not sure I got as much juice out, though. When done, my half-limes looked like an umbrella that had been blown inside-out. But there was a little rim around the edge that I'm not sure got squeezed sufficiently. Still, it was quicker and less tedious.

Who knew so much joy could be found on the alcohol aisles of The Devil's Playground?


River said...

That's a handy tool. I often go down aisles where I f
don't need anything, just to see what's there.

Hillbilly Mom said...

They were especially noticeable, not only for their bright colors, but because they were hanging on those opaque-plastic strips in front of the shelves. I'm a sucker for opaque-plastic strip items! I got a Wonder Bread square sandwich holder off one, which was great for taking my school lunch, even if I wasn't having a sandwich.

I used to go down the bargain aisle, but now they've moved it somewhere near the back of the store, away from the grocery end, so I don't bother. You never know what you'll find on the bargain aisle! I kind of miss it, but my knees don't.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Lime squeezing made easy! I always visit the clearance aisle. You never know what you will find! Now that I have activated that app on my phone, I can keep up with how many steps I make while shopping! It is the little things that make us happy.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have a GARMIN for that! On my wrist. For steps, of course. Not for lime squeezing. It counts just fine, but my knees don't want to give it much to count.