Thursday, May 21, 2020

Farmer H Almost Pulls It Off

Farmer H has been driving an old friend to her cancer treatments. Sometimes it's local, for chemotherapy. Sometimes it's to the city, for assorted procedures. That was the case on Tuesday, when she had some surgery.

Farmer H didn't have to take a pee can with him like the first outing, since he has been allowed to enter the facility with her, and stay in a waiting area, with restrooms available. I warned him about THE MASKING. This hospital is part of the BJC system, as is my clinic, and started that mask policy on May 6th. Anybody entering their facilities must wear a mask. Farmer H had not been in one since before May 6th. A BJC facility, not a mask. Though he hasn't been in a mask for WAY longer, which was only a few minutes when he had a cold and went for his weekly shot before his doctor nurse practitioner started giving it on the parking lot.

The friend's appointment was changed to an earlier time, so Farmer H left home at 6:00 a.m. He didn't return until around 4:00, though I don't know if he made any side trips later or not. Anyhoo... he went to bed at 9:20 that night.

"I was exhausted! They made me wear a mask. Let me in without one, just taking my temperature. I went all the way upstairs, to the waiting room. I was sittin' with my phone, and a gal came over and said, 'Sir, we're going to have to ask you to wear a mask.' I didn't have no problem with that. They gave me one and I put it on. The policeman was right there when I come in, and he didn't say anything."

No wonder Farmer H was tired. He had been re-breathing his own hot air all day.


Sioux Roslawski said...

I'm surprised his head didn't explode, after getting so full of hot air...

A whole day without your PITA. Color me green.

River said...

This whole suffocating mask thing is the main reason I stay out of most places. We don't need them here anyway, it's a choice, but I still zip in and out of the supermarket as quickly as possible and get home where I'm safe.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I imagine Farmer H's head kept slowly expanding like a party balloon. I might as well dip you in a swimming pool full of green paint. MOST DAYS I have no idea where Farmer H is, until he comes home for supper.

I feel safe pretty much everywhere in Hillmomba. No crowds here. I drive myself in T-Hoe. Only the occasional close-standing weirdo makes me antsy. I move away. Then once in T-Hoe, I remind myself that NOT EVERYBODY has it, and the odds of being close to a person, and that they are infected, are quite slim.