Thursday, November 23, 2023

Mrs. HM Is One Of THOSE People

The people who go to the grocery store on Thanksgiving Eve! I am one. At least I wasn't buying my whole Thanksgiving meal shopping list, like a few of them I saw. The parking lot of 10 Box was about 1/3 full. Unfortunately, my favorite parking spaces were occupied. So I parked next to a cart return. That's so nobody could close-park and block T-Hoe's door, and so I could wheel in a cart/walker.

Oh, no! An employee was coming to gather the carts! NOOOO!

"Hey! Could you leave one of those, and I will take it in?"

"Sure can."

"Thank you!"

Not only did she leave it, she took it out of its metal cage, and parked it beside T-Hoe where I could just walk back and start pushing. Their employees are really nice!

My mission was to get bananas, because we ran out Wednesday morning. And black olives, because I had wanted to make myself nachos on Tuesday night, but no black olives could be found in my pantry. I also enjoy black olives with my Thanksgiving meal, whether it be ham, which Farmer H requested, or turkey. I also picked up a bottle of vegetable oil, 2 lbs of Great Northern Beans, and four boxes of corn muffin mix. Guess who's having beans next week with the hambone?

I had to wait in line behind two gals with a full cart. Of course it was two separate orders. And they had their phone app coupons. One of them bought a CASE of green beans! And some of those crunchy fried onions that Farmer H just decided he liked. I'm pretty sure she was the designated green bean casserole bringer, since she also had a can of Cream of Mushroom Soup.

Anyhoo... the first gal would not move forward to start bagging, so I couldn't get to the conveyor to set out my stuff. Then they left the cart between them, rather than pushing it to the end of the conveyor by the bags. I had another gal on my heels, waiting to buy her full cart of Thanksgiving meal.

Other than that, the last-minute shopping wasn't too bad. And I won $50 on a $10 scratcher out of their left lottery machine. So life is good.


Rae said...

I should have read this post before commenting on your other blog. I did not mean to imply that you are "one of those" last minute shoppers, only to say that, where my husband works, many of those people must be last minute shoppers for everything. You have to assume the store knows something we don't. Afterall, what else are you doing with tons of turkeys and pies? Ranee (MN)
Happy Thanksgiving!!

River said...

I hear(read) a lot about green bean casserole at this time of year. So much so that I don't think I will ever need to try it. Mushroom soup with green beans in it? Pass.
The scratcher win was the icing on the "good day" cake.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Actually, I didn't even make that connection. Shocking, I know, since I normally make EVERYTHING ABOUT ME, heh, heh! I don't know how they can get everything ready. They must be up all night cooking!

I never had the urge to try it, either! Yes, I had TWO kinds of icing on my "good day" cake.