Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A Simple Word Of Advice To Parking Lot Anarchists

When cutting diagonally across three rows of parking spaces, as I am driving in the arrow-marked traffic lane at the top of the parking lot, it does not behoove you to have your passenger throw up her hands to mock me when you cut in front of T-Hoe to get into the arrow-marked traffic lane.

You see, I am the one in the right, driving across the parking lot as marked, while YOU are scoffing at the newly-painted unwritten rules of driving in that lot. I am not a psychic, nor a twisted-mind reader. As far as I know, you will continue cutting across parking spaces, and not dart in front of me, requiring a brake slam.

People piss me off.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

A road rage moment happens every time we veture out.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Same here! I'm usually the rager! But not the rage-inciter.

River said...

Some people think the rules are only for other people.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes they do! I guess that's how the ambulance got turned over in a collision!