Sunday, August 7, 2011

The End Grows Near

I'm off to school tomorrow. Unofficially. For free. To see what needs to be done in my room. Because as any teacher can tell you, summer is a dangerous time. The custodians do a bang-up job of cleaning and polishing, but then replace the classroom furniture in a pattern that they might use if it was their classroom.

I also expect to mount a safari to find items captured by my fellow faculty. You know. Because they saw it in the hall, and figured I was wanting to get rid of it. Like the hall is a giant curb where you put your stuff for passers-by to help themselves.

In addition, I'm curious about the locking thermostats which were touted at the end of last school year. I need to know if a fan will be required for me to keep my cool. Sorry to be pessimistic, but if I bring a fan, it's going to be on ME. The years of turning them on students are gone. If the kids are hot, they can just complain at home. Them maybe somebody will see the error of the lockbox ways. Hopefully, it was just a threat, not a promise. I am a very responsible thermostat juggler. And I always put it back on the timed setting overnight. And I never leave my windows open. And never go below the recommended 72 degrees. It's just that sometimes, you have to set it on 70 to maintain 72 with a room full of students.

The new textbooks should be here, so I need to familiarize myself with their layout. It's not like any scientific theories have changed over the summer. Unless it's that global warming business. And that polar bears are not sweatin' endangeredness all that much.

I'll need to see what wicked web has been woven of my computer accessory wires, and inform my assistant, the #1 son so he can set it up the right way. For pay. I'm all about paying him for a service that the people paid to do won't get to until the first day. Or later.

I'm a regular Boy Scout when it comes to starting my job all over again. Mrs. Hillbilly Mom will never be caught unprepared.


labbie1 said...

You deserve a raise and Tenure!!!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Since I already have tenure, that would be double-tenure for me. I did get a slight raise. It's called moving down the salary schedule. Maybe I can get a double-raise. I wonder if it will be like the double-secret probation in Animal House. Wow! I'm so glad you're running my school now. Raises and tenure for everyone!

Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

May all your doorstops be accounted for. Amen.