Sunday, October 19, 2014

If Only I Had The Nerve To Send Out Letters Like My Sons' Elementary Teachers, Saying That The Student Is Doing Fine, And There Is No Need For A Conference...

Time grows short. It's the dreaded conference week. Sure, there's a Friday-off carrot dangling at the end of the five-day stick. But first we have to get to it.

The Pony will stay late tomorrow to work on his pumpkin-flinging mangonel. Yeah. I didn't make that up. It's like a trebuchet, I think. A catapult. He's part of a club that is building this device. Tuesday I will stay until 7:00, conferencing. Wednesday The Pony has Scholar Bowl practice. And Thursday I will stay until 6:00 twiddling my thumbs, because nobody comes on Thursday when the kids get out early. Oh, but my night will not end at 6:00, because The Pony is going to the Halloween dance which ends at 10:00. Putting me back at school to pick him up, then a 45 minute drive home. I'm tired already.

This month is flying by already. Bill-paying Friday, which has the audacity to fall on Halloween, is marred by Trunk or Treat. The Pony must hand out candy in front of Newmentia from 5:30 until 6:30. I think I will leave him there after school and take my mom with me to pay the bills, returning just in time to scoop up The Pony. On the road again...sing it, Willie, you high-as-a-kite, gasohol-guzzling, red-headed stranger.

Mrs. Hillbilly Mom grows weary with responsibility.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Be happy you still have that carrot dangling in front of you. We were SUPPOSED to have this past Friday off, but because we had the start of our school year delayed, we have to "make up" a bunch of days.

This past Friday was an all-day PD session instead of a day where we could kick up our heels and nibble on the grass and enjoy the aftertaste of the sweet, sweet carrot we had the luxury of munching on.

Enjoy your carrot so I can vicariously crunch it between my tired jaws...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Like you're going to get any sympathy from Mrs. HM. The piper must be paid, Madam! You will non-gladly pay him Friday for a day (or 8 or 10) at the start of the school year.

This carrot is real, and it's spectacular.