Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Trees, They Are A-Changin' In Hillmomba

Autumn Greetings from The Hillbilly Family

The Pony took this phone photo for me Thursday. He was really supposed to be feeding the goats and chickens and guineas and turkey and mini-pony, and filling their water tubs. But he took it upon himself to walk way over past the petting zoo, past Farmer H's freight containers which he plans to connect with a roof and make a big ol' storage shed for the extra cars and four-wheelers and assorted tooly junk, to get this shot of the trees I commented on while coming up the gravel road.

This is a little fence-row kind of strip, without a fence, that divides our original ten acres from the ten we bought from the Land-Stealer who used to live across the road from us. The guy who knew the people who owned this land we had been trying to buy for several years. We had been refused by the old lady. Then he wangled a deal and offered it to us at a mark-up. Of course Farmer H bit like a large-mouth bass after a blue-eared sunfish. Now it's ours, free and clear, to junk up as Farmer H sees fit.

Oh, and to the very left runs the gravel road, the section where we found the road-arm a while back.

Like sands through the hourglass, like a towering bowl of soup through Farmer H...these are the days of my life.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Watching the leaves fall is making me melancholy ....

Sioux Roslawski said...

A bit of Bobby Zimmerman twisting, eh?

Hillbilly Mom said...

But it means you have a respite from keeping that pool ungreen, and the influx of weirdos seeking your magnet.

Yes. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He practically commanded me to do it.

"Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
Keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again"

Because in a few days, these trees won't be quite so breathtaking.