Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I Can't Even Believe This

Oh, dear. I'm pretty sure you all know that Mrs. HM has a problem with FEET. They repulse her. She doesn't want to see feet, she doesn't want to think about feet. Feet turn her stomach inside out.

You might also have ascertained that Mrs. HM is a conspiracy theory aficionado. Which doesn't mean she believes in (all) of them, only that she has a penchant for reading about them, and using her valedictorian mind to pick them apart, or find plausible evidence to provide shaky support.

Even the denizens of Hillmomba have voiced concerns that their phone is picking up their conversations. Putting in ads that sponsor products they've just been discussing. At least they don't have Alexa spying on them 24/7/365. I figure any time I do a Google search, my innernets dossier is being fattened. That's the price you pay for using free services like Google and GMail. It's not like I have anything to hide, though it's a bit embarrassing when you're showing your teenage son something online while he peeks over your shoulder, and an ad for granny panties pops up.

Anyhoo...I'm starting to believe that all of these spies are in cahoots. What one hears, he tells another, like an unending game of telephone. Or else he sells that eavesdropped evidence to line his virtual pockets. But now...I'm starting to believe that The Cloud has a dark sense of humor. Or is using this clandestine information for torture.

Monday morning, I was watching POP TV, some old episodes of ER. All at once, I gasped! Nearly turned over backwards in the La-Z-Boy, trying to get away.

THIS commercial came on!

SWEET GUMMI MARY!!! OM[effin]G!!! I can't even!

Let the record show that blog buddy Sioux has mentioned feet and toenails in my comments recently. I hold her responsible! As if this commercial isn't bad enough...when looking for a link so you all could share my experience...I found ANOTHER ONE!

I'm still shaking. Watch those links at your own risk.


River said...

Feet as hands?? Ugh! We don't have those ads here, thank goodness, our ads are a little less creepy and feature a girl wearing gumboots instead of sandals to a summer party.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It caught me off guard. I would much prefer looking at gumboots than sandals, and at both rather than foot-hands! That second commercial, where the ladies were gripping the stems of wine glasses with their toe-fingers, was HORRIFIC!

Sioux Roslawski said...

I've seen that commercial quite often lately. I wonder if you and I are the only ones who see it, and I'm all to blame?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. I'm sure it's just us, and that you are TOTALLY responsible, Madam.

Anonymous said...

I've seen it, too, & "Oh, the humanity!!"

Hillbilly Mom said...

I guess it's wrong that I'm comforted by the suffering of others...