Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Imagine Her Driving

Mrs. Hillbilly Mom never knows what monkey wrenches The Universe is going to throw into the cogs of her well-oiled, 44 oz Diet Coke fetching machine each day. Sometimes, it's high creeks. Sometimes, it's a road blocked by a sideways old-people transport mini-bus. Sometimes, it's a county road tractor with a side-mower chewing up tree branches along the blacktop road. Yesterday, however, it had nothing to do with roads, and everything to do with a parking lot.

Here's a pic. Because sadly, it DID happen!

That's my rightful parking space at the Gas Station Chicken Store yesterday. Uh huh. That's correct. You CAN see my actual parking SPACE! At least half of it. Because that lady who "parked" there did not even pull up to the tire-stopper! WHO DOES THAT? She's a whole half-a-car out of that parking space.

Don't mind the man in the background. He was an innocent by-walker. Probably coming from that silver car at the pumps, going in to pay for his gas. They're old-school at the Gas Station Chicken Store. You can't pay at the pump.

Anyhoo...this gal was still sitting in her car, with it running. I had to detour around the back to go inside for my magical elixir, hoping she wouldn't put it in reverse and crush me (or her bumper ON me) while I was back there. Because if you can't even pull up to park like a civilized human being, how do I know you're not gonna mow me down with your inattentiveness?

Gotta get that proposed handbasket factory back on track...


River said...

"Rather rude of her to ignore your name in big flashing lights at that parking space" she says with tongue in cheek.
Even worse to only half-park with the motor running. Maybe she is having a week like mine and doesn't know if she is coming or going (*~*)

Sioux Roslawski said...

She is obviously an exception. Those lines weren't painted for HER. She can park anywhere she wants.

Hillbilly Mom said...

There's an idea! If I can only get them to move that big sign down there, and instead of advertising $79 chicken...put RESERVED FOR MRS. HILLBILLY MOM! I'd have to ask the Man Owner. He's a softer touch than the Lady Owner.

I hope this week is over before you know it. For me, worrying about upcoming responsibilities is worse than actually going through them! I hate the thought of things hanging over my head.

In fact, as I was heading for the soda fountain today, my favorite clerk, the little Asian dude, was wiping the counter in front of it.

"How can people NOT NOTICE a river of soda running along here?"

"Oh, they NOTICE! They just choose not to clean it up. And how can they NOT KNOW that they're only halfway into a parking space?"

"Oh, I KNOW! Like when they park right out front, when they're not even getting gas, and block the pumps. Like that lady out there right now, sitting in her car with it running. We DO have people who buy gas here, you know."

"Hey! That looks just like the car that parked in half a space yesterday! And THAT lady was sitting in the car with it running, too!"

Yeah. I swear that was the same car! Just blocking a different area.