Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Universe Mocks The Pony

Today was the first day of classes for The Pony's fall semester. He rides the shuttle that services outlying housing. It's free, drops off closer than commuter parking, and runs every half hour. This shuttle is actually a full size bus. Like a Greyhound, or city bus, only a bit trimmer.

As we were driving across Norman, on the way to pick him up last visit, I saw a little shuttle bus like my favorite gambling aunt and I used to ride to the casino. We only stopped because both casinos discontinued their shuttle. I guess old people who don't drive don't spend enough money gambling. Anyhoo...I pointed it out to Farmer H.

"I wonder if that's The Pony's shuttle."

"I don't know. You can ask when we get him."

Once The Pony was in A-Cad, we passed a bigger bus that had Apartment Loop across the front windshield.

"There's my shuttle," said The Pony.

"Oh. I saw one earlier. I thought you...um...rode the short bus..."

The Pony was not amused. And I hadn't meant for it to come out that way.

Anyhoo...today was the first day, and The Pony has a class at 8:30 a.m. on M/W/F. He said he's been going to bed earlier, and practicing getting up earlier for a week. Last night, he sent me a text.

"If you're up, text me around 7:00 to make sure I'm awake. I've been getting up, but it can't hurt to make sure I'm out of bed for the first day of 8:30 classes. Any time early on will be fine. I just want to catch the 7:30 bus, since the 8:00 one might get me there a bit late."

Of course I don't even go to bed until 3:30 or 4:00. "I might do it around 6:00 or 6:30. I'm usually up for the bathroom then. TMI, I know! I'll tell Dad."

I was up at 6:19, and sent The Pony a text. He was awake, getting ready to shower. "Do you want me to send another one at 7:00, in case you fall back asleep?"

"Couldn't hurt."

So I laid back down, but struggled to stay awake. Farmer H said he hadn't set an alarm. But he'd get up, and remind The Pony. He showered and fed the dogs and I heard him leave. But I still stayed awake, to make sure, and sent The Pony a text at 7:00, and at 7:05 he said he was getting ready to leave.

You know how it is when you can't get back to sleep. I was tossing and turning, but relieved that The Pony was on his way to class. Then I got another text at 7:23.

"Well, my 8:30 class apparently doesn't start till Friday. The course page only went live either late Sunday night, or after midnight Monday. There's no class today OR Wednesday."

"Oh, dang. I guess you're not the only one who got tricked. Are you already on your way?" (His next class was at 12:30.)

"No, my friend told me when I asked which bus she was taking (the 7:30, 8:00, or Lloyd Noble). They didn't send out an email, so she probably checked on the announcements before getting ready."

It's a pity The Pony didn't do the same.


River said...

Probably The Pony didn't know about checking announcements, but he des now, so that's one load off your mind.
I know about that unable to sleep thing when you know something must get done the next day. If I know I have to leave the house (flat) at a specific time, earlier than usual, I wake up about every hour from midnight on, which usually results in me falling asleep once I'm on the bus to wherever and jolting awake just as I reach the destination.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know The Pony used to check announcements, because he's mentioned that he saw his old classes canceled a couple times. I guess he didn't figure it would happen on THE FIRST DAY, once he'd gone to bed after checking all his classes the night before.

Yeah, I never sleep well if I'm worried about waking up on time. I can fall asleep in A-Cad with Farmer H sweaving. Thank the Gummi Mary, I've never fallen asleep while piloting T-Hoe!