Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Appointments 'R' Me

Earlier this year, Farmer H missed a couple of appointments. He went to one of them early, and had to go back the next day when it was actually scheduled. Then he forgot all about the eye doctor until they called after-the-fact and said they were charging him for the appointment he missed. He made a new one, but they called and canceled that because the eye doctor was sick, and scheduled him for a couple months later.

That couple months is here. I heard a message from Farmer H's eye doctor's office on the house phone. The machine picked up. I sent him a text:

"Do you have something at the eye doctor coming up?"

"No. Why?"

"I think his office just left a message. We'll listen to it when you get home."

Then we had the task of trying to decipher the message in the static. Sounded like Farmer H's appointment is next week, at 2:50 p.m

"Didn't you write that down? Didn't you have it in your phone?"

"No. I have a new phone now."

"Well, put it in there so you don't forget!"

"I will. Just as soon as I can figure out how to get into the calendar."

"You've had that phone a month already! Just send me a text with the day and time. Then you'll have it on your phone. Simple."


He did. Now he can look it up. It's not like we send many lengthy texts to each other.


River said...

I never bother with my phone calendar, I write appointments on my wall calendar in the kitchen and as I cross off each day any next day appointments get written on the adhesive chalkboard on the fridge so I see them first thing when I get out the milk for breakfast.
I hope Farmer H's appointments get kept.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I know it's next week, and I have a record of it on my phone. So I will be reminding Farmer H the night before. Not sure what day he's going back to the pain doctor for a follow-up. And on Friday, he has to take The Pony for his wisdom-teeth pulling.

I also don't bother with a phone calendar. Too much trouble for what it's worth. I keep a note (usually on the back of an envelope) next to my HIPPIE. It works surprisingly well.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Won't the doctor's office call or text him the day before to remind him? I prefer to text important thimgs to HeWho can't hear ... he can read, though,as long as I keep it simple.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Well, you would THINK they would notify him the day before, but that's what THIS message was, notifying him a week in advance! Besides, the Old Biddy at the back doctor makes sure Farmer H doesn't get reminders, and maybe she is branching her evil out to other specialists!