Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Pony Is In The Dark

Wednesday night, I got a text from The Pony at 9:54, as a thunderstorm was rolling through Hillmomba. Farmer H had told me that we were under a severe thunderstorm watch. I don't know where my little metal flashlight is. I knew where I kept two of them in my dark basement lair. But up here, I've lost track. Farmer H got me a battery-operated lantern that sprays disco lights on the ceiling. It also has a regular setting for just light. He plugged it in to charge by the kitchen door in case our power went off. Thankfully, so far, it has just been flickering.

Anyhoo... POOR PONY!

"Power out and has been for like half an hour as I was about to cook."

"OH NO! At least your big tree won't fall on you!"

"Storm videos coming! In sequence. You can see the power die!"

Yes, from his front porch, I could see the wind and rain blowing horizontally. Then everything went dark, including the lights at the senior apartments across the street.

"I guess you can eat bread and butter sandwiches like you used to take in your school lunch."

"It's Chinese leftovers that start to go off tomorrow! If I don't do the mixing tonight I'll have to toss half of it! Internet is obviously out with the power. That one gave a midnight estimate."

"Want me to give you a wakeup call?"

"Nah. My alarm is my phone, and it's charged already."

"Don't hate me... but I bought you two water jugs like the Igloo ones I gave you last year that cracked."


"You can put ice in them for adding to your water, or to rub on the back of your neck."

"I already have so many for that!"

"Do you want Dad to build you a themed shed for your JUGS? You can start South Shackytown Boulevard."


At 1:22, The Pony was still powerless.

"Still out!"

"Will you have hot water for a shower? Are you hot without your AC?"

"Nope to the hot water I'm guessing, since it'll be 8+ hours after the power went out. Not hot *yet* but I will be if they don't fix it. Pretty sure it's not any tripped breakers or fuses here."

"If it's not fixed by tomorrow, you can come out here and take a shower and sleep. You need to cool off after work. You can look out and see if the whole neighborhood is dark. Like the street lights. Dad can come by and check your house tomorrow if you want."

"Yeah. That's why I think it's all down, since the lot lights still aren't back. Maybe once I'm up he can check. Four hours is the limit for "food in the fridge" without power, right? Guess no hope for the leftovers now."

"Not sure about the four hours, but I wouldn't trust the leftovers. Better safe than INDISPOSED!"

[At 1:56] "IT'S BACK! And it's still within the four hours, I think."

"They're probably okay to eat. They were in the fridge, and it takes a while to warm up."

"I'm going to rest and try to sleep. I might cook then in the morning, or when my head hurts less."

POOR PONY! Adulting is hard, fraught with worry, and sometimes uncomfortable.


River said...

I'm glad his power came back on but I'd still be tossing those leftovers.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H said the leftovers would probably be okay. Then again, he has been known to eat the dog bread that is over a week past the date, and not even complained that he could smell mold. Not that it was moldy. I don't feed my dogs moldy bread.

I've let my Chinese food set out for several hours. Farmer H brings it home before I'm ready to eat, and I like the rice better when it hasn't been in FRIG II. There's so much sodium in Chinese food that it's probably preserved enough to last 4 hours in a warming refrigerator. Especially if The Pony didn't open the door during the power outage. I guess we'll know in a day or two...