Wednesday, July 19, 2023

There's Really No Logical Explanation

Monday night, I stocked FRIG II with soda for the next day. Farmer H's Diet Mountain Dews were already on the top shelf, but I had used the last cold Best Choice Diet Cola (Caffeine Free) in his Wild Turkey.

I took two cans of his Best Choice Diet Cola (Caffeine Free), and one can of my Best Choice Diet Cola, and set them on the cutting block. When I passed by FRIG II on my way to the living room around midnight, I put them inside. The two cans of Best Choice Diet Cola (Caffeine Free) on the top shelf next to the Diet Mountain Dew bottles, and the one can of Best Choice Diet Cola on the second shelf, the cheese shelf, where I keep my soda.

Tuesday evening, as I was getting Farmer H's supper ready, he said he'd have a drink. I poured the Wild Turkey, and cracked open FRIG II and took out one of his Best Choice Diet Cola (Caffeine Free) cans to mix in before adding 15 cubes of ice to his red Solo Cup.  

As I was pouring the soda, something seemed different. I looked at the can. IT WAS BEST CHOICE DIET COLA! I had already poured half of it into the Wild Turkey. In a panic, I opened FRIG II. Yep! The can of soda on my shelf was Best Choice Diet Cola (Caffeine Free).


I made sure when I stocked FRIG II that I put the right sodas on the right shelves! I am not an idiot! I am not blind! I paid careful attention to that detail! Yet I still got it wrong!

That meant that I had only a hot soda for my scratching session. I grabbed one from the case, MAKING SURE it was the right kind, and put it in the ice bin in FRIG II's freezer. There was time to cool it, since I was still getting Farmer H's supper ready.

Either somebody has put a hex on me, or other-worldly happenings go on at night inside FRIG II! After all the special care I took, I STILL got those sodas mixed up! 

I don't think even Mr. Magoo glasses would help.


River said...

This is definitely weird.
And 15 cubes of ice? That's a lot of ice!

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's like I look for that little curved bar of CAFFEINE FREE, and it's not there. But later it IS there!

Farmer H sips his drink, and pours in the soda left in the can. Then he eats the ice cubes that are left unmelted. FRIG II's freezer has plenty of ice cubes, now that I'm not filling two bubba cups with them to take to my lair for adding to a 44 oz Diet Coke, and for ice water.