Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Pony Takes A Stab At Spears

The Pony watches a lot of cooking shows. Usually, they're on in the background, but he seems to seep up their essence like a thick cut of meat in a marinade. He's not so much a cook as an occasional experimenter.

A couple weeks ago, Farmer H came home with a giant zucchini. TWO of them! Like stubby fat elephant tusks. Somebody at the Storage Unit Store gave them to him, I think. He handed them over like a caveman returning from a mastodon hunt, with the portion he was willing to share with the family, after gnawing the best cuts for himself.

"What am I supposed to do with THOSE?"

"I don't know. Your grandma used to make us that zucchini bread."

"I LOVED that bread! But I don't know how to make it."

"There must be recipes on the internet."

"Uh huh. I'm sure you'll contribute to the effort by EATING it."

"I'll look it up, Mom."

Well. The Pony got sidetracked in his zucchini search.

"Mom. If you don't mind, maybe we could try ROASTED zucchini."

"Fine with me. Sounds like less steps than bread."

Anyhoo... The Pony and I sliced the smaller zucchini into spears. We brushed the spears with oil, and rolled them in some steak seasoning that The Pony found at The Devil's Playground, with the zucchini in mind.

Here's the result:

That's on my battle-worn coffee table, on fine paper china, beside The Pony's chicken sandwich. The zucchini was tasty, but a little too spicy for me. In the future, I would put less seasoning on mine. We also determined that thinner spears are better than fat spears, and leaving the skin on makes them stay firm.

We still have a zucchini left. I hope we haven't let it go too long. The Pony found an apple pie recipe that uses zucchini in place of apples. Even though we have a bag of apples on the counter.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Is that slaw on The Pony's sandwich?

The zucchini looks delicious. The Pony might end up being a gourmet experimenter. He could open a restaurant, that's only open on the rare occasions when he feels like experimenting...

(And zucchini bread is way easier to make than your famous Chex Mix snack... and even though it's called bread, it tastes like cake. Have The Pony grate the zucchini--that's the only PITA part.)

Sioux Roslawski said...

I wonder if you could also roll the zucchini spears into parmesan cheese...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sioux 1 and Sioux 2,
THAT'S what I forgot to tell you! It is parmesan cheese on The Pony's chicken sandwich! Left over from what we used to roll the zucchini in! The Pony would never put SLAW on his sandwich!

River said...

Zucchini apple pie? With the amount of work involved he might as well make the zucchini bread. AND an apple pie :)

Hillbilly Mom said...

I think The Pony is taking a stabbing break. He hasn't mentioned the zucchini in the room. It's sitting on a kitchen chair.