Friday, August 14, 2020

This Doesn't Pass The Sniffle Test

Sweet Gummi Mary! I think common sense has gone the way of the dodo bird! Except sailors didn't eat too many common senses because they were so tasty and easy to kill, and other species didn't invade common sense's habitat and eat common sense's eggs.

Thursday, we went to the casino. That county has recently passed a mask mandate that requires residents and visitor to wear a mask. Even when outside! To be fair, I think the wording requires the mask outside IF proper distancing can't be maintained. I know that when it came out, people were up in arms, and I was reading about it on that county's Facebook page. I only became aware because I got an email from the casino informing me of their new policy.

Anyhoo... we always stop by the Goodwill store down there. It's on the way to the casino, and Farmer H kind of decrees it. The Goodwill is in a strip mall area. I don't recall the two stores on the end of the building. I've never had any reason to notice them. Until Thursday.

A ladder was propped against the end of the building, with a man on top, stepping down from the roof. He was probably 15 feet off the ground. Perhaps a roofer looking for damage. Or maybe a heating and cooling man inspecting a unit. Although I did NOT see this Ladder Walker's unit. Maybe it was on the other side of the roof peak.

Anyhoo... as we drove by, I saw that Ladder Walker was WEARING A MASK!

Please. This is just wrong. That Ladder Walker was totally alone. It was 88 degrees. He had to be sweating under his black mask. WHY WAS HE WEARING A MASK?

Masks don't protect you from the VIRUS, you know. I've even heard it's to protect OTHER people. [That's sarcasm there. I read that 1000 times a day, from The High-Horse Brigade, screaming online that they hope the unmasked people die, because they don't appreciate how caring The High-Horse Brigade is, saving people's lives all willy-nilly, wearing their masks, even while wishing a slow covid death upon selected others.]

Anyhoo... my point IS... the Ladder Walker had no people within 200 feet of him. WHO was he supposedly saving? I guess the fear of losing his job if caught without a mask, or being fined for not wearing a mask, made him keep that thing strapped on while all alone at the top of his ladder.

In other news, we also saw a masked driver alone in her car at a stoplight...


Sioux Roslawski said...

Yes! I've seen drivers--all alone in their car--wearing a mask. Perhaps they now think of it as a fashion accesory. My ascot? Check. My smoking jacket? Check? My mask?

It's ridiculous.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I guess they are EXTRA selfless. Their high horses are taller than everyone else's high horses. Their masks might have as many layers as that Pea Princess's stack of mattresses.

River said...

There could be many reasons for wearing a mask when it seems unnecessary. The ladder man may have been checking chimney or air conditioning outlets with soot or dust or other contaminants that are unwise to breathe in, a car may have been shared by other people and if the woman driver had a sniffle that may be an early symptom, she is doing the right thing.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I've never seen the heating and cooling people wear a mask until this one guy.

If the car had been shared by other people, they were gone. So she could take off her mask and breathe, since it's hard enough to breathe when you have the sniffles.

If she was on her way to pick up somebody, maybe it would make sense, although she'd only be protecting them from sneeze or cough splatter that they might touch and get in their eyes, nose, or mouth, from their hands. The virus itself is small enough to pass through her mask with her exhales, same as it can enter with her inhales.