Sunday, September 13, 2020

If It's All The Same To You, I Actually Prefer To Shower Alone

No, I'm not heading toward a shower reveal to rival Psycho. No stabby music links for you. But you MAY feel my horror. 

I said HORROR. Not that w-h word that a fifth grade student misheard from my fifth-best old ex-teaching buddy, Jim, when he announced on the first day of school back in 1984 that if students didn't turn in their homework, he would be a holy horror. In fact, that young lass inquired at her very own dinner table that night, in her very own home, to her very own parents, one of whom was a school board member, "Can a man be a wh*re? Because my teacher said he would turn into one if we don't do our homework."

Not that I wouldn't let you feel my w-h word if I had one. Because if I did, he/she would be already paid for. So I suppose that would not be frowned on. Though I don't know if a w-h word is paid by the hour or by the feel. But in the interest of good faith, if I subjected you to feeling my w-h word, I would pay extra if need be.

Anyhoo... last Wednesday, I slid open the front shower door to turn on the water and let it heat up. It's a very '80s shower. One little step in, as long as a bathtub (though it's not a bathtub combo, since we have the big triangle tub), with double doors of that opaque glass, with gold metal trim. Yes. Very '80s, although built in 1997.

Anyhoo... I had disrobed, felt the spray to approve the temperature, and stepped my left foot in when I SAW IT! 


In the back corner, to my right, stood...


Oh, the HORROR! Nobody wants to shower with a toilet plunger! Am I right? We know where those things have been! And I do not associate such a place as somewhere I would immerse my unclothed body with the purpose of getting it CLEANER!

Dang that darn Farmer H!

I'd heard a noise overhead from my lair on Tuesday evening. A pounding. A rhythmic pummeling of something. In fact, I'd asked Farmer H, when I ascended to the main level for supper preparations, if something was wrong up there. I didn't want a mystery. My mind has a tendency toward outlandish scenarios. Like perhaps he was stomping a herd of rats that had fallen out of the ceiling. Not that such a thing has ever happened, of course. Just those two little field mice in the ceiling light/fan.

Farmer H had divulged that he indeed made that commotion while he was plunging the shower drain! Oh, dear. Is that a thing? I know that hair can clog up a shower drain. Even though we have a gold-colored disc thingy with holes in it that I assumed would stop too much hair. Sweet Gummi Mary! It's not like THE PONY showers in there!

Then the added horror of it hit me. How Farmer H uses the shower as his personal bidet, eschewing toilet paper. Eww! How wrong were those last three words used together?

Anyhoo... I backed out of the shower, slid the doors the other way, and lifted the toilet plunger out of the shower.

I prefer to shower alone. 


Sioux Roslawski said...

Oh, too bad. You got there before I could get there and comment.

Yes, I'm sure it's not just hair that clogged that drain. Let's contemplate on the bodily "stuff" that could be snaking across the shower floor towards the drain. (I'll leave you to envision them as you make a list.)

River said...

I honestly don't see any reason why a shower drain would need plunging. Any hair caught in the grid of the drain would get scooped up and disposed of into a bin after the person showering is finished, right? So there should be no blockages occurring. Ever.
I always tip my hair forward over the bathroom basin and give it a good combing plus a scalp massage to remove as much loose hair as possible before I step into the shower for the shampoo and conditioning routine. The loose hair in the basin gets put into the bathroom bin, of course. No hair in my drains!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm not sure where I got to first, but I am certainly glad that I got there before YOU, Madam!

I shall NOT contemplate what else might have been in, or on the way to, the drain. Tra la la... that is the sound of my eyes singing, so they don't have to focus on the shower floor. They eyes have delegated floor duty to the ears, which nominated the vocal cords to take over hearing. They're all in this together.

I always comb my hair before a shower, too! For that very reason, to get rid of the loose hairs. You're not a Seinfeld fan, but for all I know, Farmer H has been preparing a meal and eating it in the shower if I am not home. Like Kramer making a salad, but without a garbage disposal.
(about 2 minutes)