Friday, September 4, 2020

Mansion Of The Residing Son

Misunderstood song lyrics, Mrs. HM style...

There is a Mansion in Hillmomba
They call The Residing Son
It's been the ruin of at least one poor mom
And now, you know I'm THE ONE

His daddy was a junker
He cheered his own hurrah
His mother was a gamblin' gal
Down in Hillmomba 

Now the only thing a Pony needs
Is butter and a tub
And with these two he's quite adept
So many things to flub

Oh mother, tell your children
Not to do what I did, DUH!
Spend your lives always cleaning up
The Mansion in Hillmomba

Well, I got one foot in the T-Hoe
The other foot on the ground
I'm driving back to Hillmomba
To commiserate with my hound

Well, there is a Mansion in Hillmomba
They call The Residing Son
It's been the ruin of at least one poor mom
And now, you know I'm THE ONE


Sioux Roslawski said...

Bravo, Madam! This is one of your best, I think, and that's saying a lot.

River said...

That's very clever.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thank you! I can see the glow of your BIC lighter from here, but I'm sorry I can't provide an encore.

I'm only as good as the songwriter I steal from. So THANKS, Woody Guthrie!

It's a good thing Bob Dylan didn't write it, even though he sang it. Because in an interview on 60 Minutes with Ed Bradley way back in 2004, Dylan as much as said that his songs wrote themselves, after he sold his soul to THE DEVIL! And NOT the Walmart one!