Tuesday, October 31, 2023

No Premonition, Just A Hunch

I mentioned last week on my not-so-secret blog that I have been  taking an alternate route through the roundabout rather than taking a chance on my regular way to and from town, due to the sidewalk construction and occasional flagman. Last Friday, Farmer H asked a question when he got home.

"Did you see the semi truck turned over by the car dealership?"

"No. What do you mean?"

"On my way home, I saw it when I got off the highway."

"Do you come by the Gas Station Chicken Store?"

"No. I was on the other side of the highway, by Orb K. But I heard it on the radio, and looked over that way when I got off the exit ramp, and saw it. Traffic all backed up."

"Well, I'm glad I went the other way, and didn't get caught up in it. Because that's right when I was leaving town. I just got home."

Anyhoo... the article showed up in the local online paper on Monday. It happened on Friday. But it wasn't a semi truck. It was an ambulance! Coming from where it sits by the rat poison factory across from Country Mart. Headed to the highway for an emergency call. A truck coming from the road by the Gas Station Chicken Store hit the ambulance. Hard enough to turn it over on its side!!! There was a picture. The flipped ambulance hit a mini van that was at the light. What a time to be in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Anyhoo... there was a reason I took myself on an alternate route. I just didn't know it at the time.


River said...

Reminds me of the time I stared out the bus window to where two ambulances had crashed head on at the intersection and I totally forgot to take a photo though my camera was right there on my lap! We were stopped at a red light so I'd had plenty of time, just didn't think of it.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It is shocking to see an ambulance in a wreck. I'm glad this happened when it was on the way to pick up a patient. The ride in the back is rough enough, without worrying that you might be going rumpus-over-teakettle before you reach the hospital!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

An ambulance on its side is not a good sight to see! Especially if your husband is in it! Happened to me about 3 weeks before the twins were born and I had to pick up my oldest child from swimming lessons. HeWho was in the back with a patient administering CPR. He was banged up, but they lost their patient. Seems like just yeaterday .....

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would have posted the picture from the paper, but I was too lazy to make the effort! DANG! That is a frightening experience.