Sunday, October 22, 2023

Chili Is A Liquid, Not A Solid

I am a little perturbed with Farmer H. I know you're shocked...

Saturday morning, I spent 1.5 hours making a pot of chili. Fried the hamburger that I'd thawed overnight. Diced two onions and fried them. Opened five cans of assorted beans. A can of diced tomatoes. Added a packet and half of chili powder mix. Poured and squeezed in six liquid ingredients. Brought them to a boil. Then simmered. Washed the dishes.

Saturday evening, Farmer H was ready to eat before I was. I warned up the chili for him. Set out his bowl and spoon. And he proceeded to eat two bowls of beans and hamburger. That's right. We're talking about the man who once made himself a towering bowl of vegetable beef soup, taking a whole roast out of the pot, with a couple of spoons of potatoes and carrots.

"I don't like liquid in my soup," Farmer H had reported when interrogated.

Well. He apparently doesn't like liquid in his chili, either. I do, but I also enjoy having a few beans and pieces of hamburger. As it was, I used over half a sleeve of saltine crackers in my "chili" so I could feel like I had some solids, and not just chili broth. 

We are having the same thing again on Sunday. I will probably be eating my chili with a straw. The plan was to have chili dogs on Monday night. I guess Farmer H will have hot dogs on buns with a drizzle of chili broth.

Some people are not very considerate of others...


Rae said...

Maybe you will need to have your own chili stash. Maybe add another can of beans, to offset the lack of solids. (if you have some available, that is) I made chili this past week also. It must be the weather. I have been missing soups. And, IMHO, soup has broth (liquids) and the lack of liquids makes it a stew. I am not familiar with chili stew. I, do, however, love me a chili soup. If I were a heartier eater, I would eat one bowl with saltines smeared with butter, dunked into my chili, including some beans and bits. And then I would have a second bowl with sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese. But, alas, I can only handle the consumption of one bowl, so buttered saltines it is. Yum. Yours also sounded quite delicious. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sometimes instead of leaving it in the big pot, I will store the chili in several quart containers that come with my Chinese Hot and Sour Soup. So since we eat at separate times, Farmer H gets what he gets. If he eats all the solids out of his container, then his leftovers I put back in will be JUICE! I didn't do that this time. Less dish-washing (by HAND, you know!) if I just use the big pot.

I did put some shredded cheddar in my chili and crackers. Never thought of peanut butter, though the school always served peanut butter sandwiches as the side on chili day. I DO have a can of black beans in the pantry, and also a can of homestyle baked beans. I could add them! I don't think it would change the flavor too much, since there's a lot of juice left! Thanks for that idea.

One time when Genius was a teenager, he was eating at the cutting block. I hollered in to ask if his dad had gotten a bowl of soup yet. Genius replied, "Well, not so much "soup" as a bowl of meat and assorted vegetables."

River said...

Perhaps if you simmered the chilli until the liquid was mostly gone and then served yourself a portion before Farmer H got to the pot? just set yours aside to eat later when you are ready. but don't let him see it.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I actually like the liquid part of the chili, because that's where the flavor is. I just don't like ONLY liquid for my chili! Yes, I need to separate our portions if I want a fair shake at the chili I have worked to prepare. I suppose I will go back to the Chinese container solution.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

This is why I serve up the food! HeWho is not considerate either. I made cabbage beef soup this past Saturday when it was drizzling and overcast. Saw the recipe on Pinterest and thougt it would be good to use up half a cabbage lingering in the fridge. Just ground beef, red beans, beef broth and cabbage. I only had black beans on hand and I used a can of beef consumme I saw in the pantry. After I browned the ground beef and onions, I just tossed it all in the crock pot along with some tomato sauce I had leftover in the fridge. It was really tasty! A recipe is just a suggestion to me and I usually look for ones that will use up leftovers.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That reminds me, I should get some cabbage and make a pot of sausage, potatoes, and cabbage. I have to tell Farmer H how many pieces of sausage he is allowed in each serving, or we'd only be eating cabbage and potatoes for the second two nights! We always have corn muffins with it. He's pretty good about only taking his share of them. Of course, they're not MEAT!