Friday, October 13, 2023

Update On The Missing Ticket

Last Thursday, I mentioned how I tried to give my favorite cashier a $3 crossword scratcher, and it was kidnapped by other staff. The Fave had forgotten it when she closed up, and it had the Gas Station Chicken Store in a tizzy. The owners talked about it to other workers, but not to The Fave.

This Thursday, as I stepped up to the counter, The Fave slid that ticket under the plexiglass. It had a note paperclipped to the top. She took it off before I could read it.

"Here. They never talked to me, but left me this to give to you."

"Oh! I wanted to read the note."

"It's nothing. Just saying I should give it to you."

Heh, heh! Maybe she was protecting me. Perhaps it described me in an unflattering light! Like Ample-Rumpused Woman Addicted To Scratchers, So Poor She Picks Up Pennies. Who knows?

Anyhoo... I told her I would be giving it back to her, along with a couple other $3 scratchers I had gotten for her, on days I had some good wins. I don't dare bring them into the store now! I had them in an envelope, but it was a small one that wouldn't close. So I'll get a regular letter-sized envelope, since Genius's $5 tickets have no trouble fitting in them.

The Fave said that the Man Owner even called the state lottery office and read them the code number, to see what store the ticket came from! Right across the street, from the Liquor Store. 

I told her to thank them for their trouble. I'm glad to put this chapter behind me. I'd hate for The Fave to get into any trouble over that ticket, when I was only trying to be nice.


River said...

Good to close that chapter without anyone getting into trouble.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, that's a relief! If I see one of the owners, I will simply say, "Thanks for getting my lost ticket back to me." Meanwhile, I surreptitiously gave it back to The Fave yesterday, in a sealed envelope... I'm curious to see if it won anything.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Good deeds rarely go unpunished!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

So true!