Monday, October 30, 2023

The Carnivorous Pony Puts Himself To Sleep

Better late than never! The Pony didn't send me pictures of his meal yesterday because he FELL ASLEEP! That's understandable, working a full day, then doing meal prep, and stuffing his belly with meat and carbs! But he sent me SOME pictures the next day.

"Forgot to send last night!"

"This steak? Only four dollars!"

"How did you get that steak bargain?"

"It was one of those bargain things at Country Mart. Less than half a pound, and a really poor fat distribution for a ribeye, I guess."

"I like fat in a steak. It gives the flavor."

"Your salad looks delicious. Did you bake the cake?"

"I fell asleep too early to bake! I'll try today if I meet my writing goals. And yeah, for the salad, getting a slapchop type thing makes cutting the onions for salad sooooo much easier and more satisfying."

I don't know what a slapchop thing is, but if it makes a salad look that tasty, I'd say it's a good investment. No word yet on whether a cake was attempted. I'm guessing there was pasta and bread, but perhaps not...


River said...

Slapchop? Is that one of those things where you put an onion on the board cover it with a plastic thing with a sprung handle and blades, then you push that handle until the blades have chopped the onion? I had one once and can't remember what it was called. Similar shape to a "bug catcher" toy.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am not familiar with a "bug catcher" toy, but your description of the slapchop sounds like what I imagined it to be. My mom had a similar contraption many years ago, which she used to dice pecans or walnuts for her baked goodies.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Slap chop, isn't that like the things you see on infomercials? Must make you feel good to know how self sufficient the Pony is. He won't starve.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I do think I have seen such an infomercial in my past, before we had so many DISH channels to choose from late at night. I am glad that The Pony can make his own food. He watches a lot of the Food Network shows.