Sunday, October 8, 2023

Toot, Toot, Tootsie Roll, Goodbye

For the past two days, there's been a charity collector standing outside the door of the Gas Station Chicken Store. A man the first day, and a woman the next. They were wearing a vest that I suppose identified the charity. I didn't want to look too closely. 

I don't like charity collectors standing outside the door. Or standing at stop signs like the fake-poppy-giver-outers, or the local fire department with their big stinky boots to drop money into. Like I've stated many a time, I donate to my charities by check, even though my taxes over the past few years have not been itemizable to take the deduction.

Anyhoo... in cashing in my winners and buying more scratchers, I've been getting back a dollar. So as I left both days, I donated the dollar to their clear plastic container. They both offered me a Tootsie Roll. I looked up the charity that gives out Tootsie Rolls, and it's the Knights of Columbus, collecting for people with intellectual disabilities. That's a good cause. They can have my dollar(s).

Anyhoo... both times, I declined the Tootsie Roll. They're okay, but not so delicious that I want to risk them pulling out a tooth! 


River said...

Good for you donating! I don't weven know what a Tootsie Roll is. What is the filling? Why would it pull out a tooth?

Hillbilly Mom said...

A Tootsie Roll is a cylinder of very chewy chocolate fudge-like candy. Kind of waxy. They come in inch-long sizes, or about 4 inches, which was the type being given for a donation, and a fat 1-inch diameter version that's about six inches long. They are hard to chew unless you warm them up by keeping them in your pocket for a while. There's also fruit-flavored versions of the inch-long Tootsie Rolls.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I like to sing the tootsie roll song as I pick up poop and laugh .... whatever it is I think I see becomes a tootsie roll to me. Eddie thinks it is funny too. HeWho? I had to explain it and it took all the fun out of it!

Hillbilly Mom said...

He must have been born without a funny bone, like Farmer H!