Saturday, April 6, 2019

They Are Not Good At Sitting For Portraits

Every now and then, I want to get a quick picture of Jack and Juno. QUICK picture. That's the only kind that I can get. Most often, it's only luck that gets me a usable picture. Most often, I get something like this:

Or this:

Jack and Juno are so full of love at our reunion after my town trip hyped up at the thought of getting some cat kibble that they can't be still. I can have the most amazing picture on my phone screen, yet when the picture actually snaps, they have skittered out of position.

At least Copper Jack the neighbor dog has the manners to pose:

Actually, he's moving kind of slow since his mystery injury a few weeks back. At least he's moving. He followed me around to the back of the garage twice while I was carrying in groceries. I think the smell of that fried chicken from The Devil's Playground deli might have had something to do with it. He's not a fan of me.

What I was actually trying to get a picture of is my buddy Jack. He looked like he'd been wallowing in a mud puddle. Of course, he always did like to swim. But our last warm day was Wednesday, temps in the 70s. This day it was 50s, and also the day before, with rain. Jack wasn't dirty then.

There's my little buddy in the garage, waiting for me to let him out to the side porch area. He usually runs over and jumps up on me, but I saw his dirtiness before I even pulled T-Hoe into the garage. As Jack romped towards me, I said, "Jaaaack..." and he knew right away to back off. Actually, I think he just felt like not jumping on me, because he's not one to mind the commands of a mere human.

I think Jack revels in his dirtiness. He'll probably get clean on Saturday afternoon, a warm day forecast, by swimming in the creek.


River said...

Copper Jack looks a little odd and I'm worried. Is his left hip dislocated? What is that sharp bulge at the edge of the ribcage?
Perhaps you could snap photos of Jack and Juno while their snouts are buried in kibble?

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's mostly the angle of the picture. Copper Jack has always sucked his sides in like that. I used to think he wasn't getting enough to eat, but from other angles he looked like a normal mutt.

When he was first hurt, we didn't see any marks on him. He acted like he could barely move, and would lay around most of the day, not come to get cat kibble or frolic with Jack. Sometimes he favors that leg, sometimes the other back leg. When he first started getting around again, he acted like he didn't want to put weight on his front legs, either. I'm guessing it's something to do with his back. Maybe he got hit by a car (they've all 3 been spotted out on the blacktop road by our neighbor the Crazy Rottweiler's mom), or hurt it jumping off the porch or carport.

That's the only way I got Jack's picture. Juno eats her food too fast to get them both in frame.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Jack was unmuddied today, but very wet! I was right about his swimming. He cleaned up nicely.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Copper Jack has a back injury from what you said. I suppose his owners aren't big fans of the vet? My little Emmy injured her spine just jumping off the couch. Even though she had surgery right away, she still walked off-skew the rest of her life. We really had no choice on the surgery, since it paralyzed her and she couldn't even pee on her own. Just made me love her more, but, as my girls will tell you, I am a crazy dog lady. And proud of it! That little Jack just looks full of mischief and curiosity!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Copper Jack was brought home by his human dad as a pup, one of six found by the city maintenance workers. They promised him that the pup was a shepherd, but as he later told Farmer H, "I don't see no shepherd in that dog!" They make sure he has a collar, and feed him, but since he practically lives over here, they don't come looking for him.

Copper Jack doesn't like me at all, even though I give him more attention than any human. He does himself no favors, because once he gets moving, I've seen him run and JUMP OFF THE BACK OF THE CARPORT again. It's about a 4-foot drop. I worry about my Jack's long back, because he does it, too, as well as jumping off the porch.

My little Jack loves me, which he shows by jumping up on me, and licking. Sometimes he will even mind my warnings when he's itching to terrorize the cat that he doesn't hump on a regular basis. Jack definitely grabs all the gusto he can as he goes through life.