Friday, June 10, 2022

Add One More To The List

Another bad before Even Steven starts reversing my luck!
Wednesday night, left to my own devices, I applied the 2x4 bandaid to my rapidly-closing leg-hole. In fact, it's been closed for three days. No leakage on the bandaid when I awake. So I was thinking maybe when I finish the current pack of bandaids, I could try leaving it open for a night.

Au contraire...

When I put on the bandaid, it didn't feel centered. But you can't really take a bandaid off and reposition it. Even so, I gave it a try. It felt more centered. The second time.

When I removed that bandaid on Thursday morning, I realized the damage I had done. A piece of the scab was sticking out. The bandaid had a small dark spot, and a bunch of yellow liquidy stain on the edge. Looks like I had stuck that fresh bandaid to part of my scab, ripped it off during repositioning, and it had drained and started to reform the scab overnight. 

I left it off through the day. I could feel some crystal-like stuff on that edge of my leg-hole. I'm pretty sure it's new scab forming. I will be extra-careful when putting on that bandaid Thursday night.

So close, but yet so far...

At least Farmer H says he's feeling better. Although he still has a head full of snot. And got out of breath walking to the BARn and back to get a heavy drill. Normally, he would drive the Gator. But The Pony was here, and his car had the Gator blocked in. Farmer H didn't ask him to move it, because he was here specifically to help install a new microwave. 

You know how it is when you have a cold. You feel kind of breathless at the least exertion. I figure Farmer H has until next Tuesday before he could possibly expect to be over his sickness. He got it on Sunday. 7-10 days is the normal routine for a cold. He surely must be past his contagiousness in a day or two. So maybe I can get more sleep.


Sioux Roslawski said...

I would have asked Pony to move his car. That is such a small ask.

Certainly, I hope you get more sleep. Your days are sooooooo full of production and activity and deadlines and mounting stress. You need to be well-rested every day.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony was giving up his only day off, and at that moment was measuring the size of the cabinet opening for the new microwave, and trimming a piece of paper to match the fit. A duty assigned by Farmer H.

Yes, yes, I need my beauty sleep. I'm draggin'. I could barely focus on which scratchers to pick. I hope I don't accidentally mix some rat poison that looks like "Skinny N Sweet" into Farmer H's hot toddy!

River said...

a new microwave? Woo-Hoo!. How far is it from the Barn to the house? Would it have been worth asking The Pony to move his car?

Hillbilly Mom said...

It would have been worth it for ME! I'd say the BARn is about 100 yards or a little more from the Mansion. Not too far for a person with good legs and a healthy set of lungs.