Wednesday, June 22, 2022

When You're On, You're Off...

And when you're off, you're on!

How convenient, a companion piece to yesterday's post has fallen into my lap. Or at least into my shattered cell phone. The Pony sent me a text this morning.
10:10 "Well, work did a whoopsie. Scheduled 4 of us while they only had 3 cars to give out. So I'm off until like 2:00 when they get something back for me to drive. Could've had the full day off if I wasn't so nice - I offered to come back in later when they have a car so that the other CCAs don't have to drive out to Backroads and deal with it on top of their own stuff."
10:41 [I was in the midst of my beauty sleep!] "So nice!"
10:42 "And of course halfway through a Devil's Playground trip they found one!"
10:43 "So now you're going?"
10:43 "Yeah, once I get checked out and unloaded." 

I suppose The Pony decided to take his un-air-conditioned car to the Devil's Playground, since he was already up and dressed and out of the house. At least Pony House is between the Devil's Playground and "the office," so he could drop off his groceries on the way back to work. He was only about 4 miles away. Not like he was still living out here.

2:41 "Had a tire go out! They got it fixed, but I'm off early."

It's probably for the best. The Pony returned to his cool, cool, house. The temperature was 99 degrees when I was in town at 4:30.

Farmer H has an appointment for next Wednesday to get The Pony's car fixed. He can't figure out why all the mechanics are so busy. I hope Mick the Mechanic didn't put a note in Farmer H's file, saying he was "difficult."


Sioux Roslawski said...

No, otherwise you can call him "Elaine."

And if Farmer H loses all his eyebrow hairs, don't draw them on with a Sharpie and make him look angry all the time.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Good thing Farmer H didn't go to the doctor when Back-Creek Neighbor Bev's dog bit him, to see if he needed a rabies shot. The doctor might have said, "Woof-woof, not bang-bang!"

River said...

I'll say all the mechanics are busy because of the weather, with everybody's AC going out or otherwise acting up. Because I'm nice and like to think good of people.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That could be it. Or else people can't afford new cars, and are hanging onto their old clunkers, which need repairs.