Tuesday, June 14, 2022

T-Hoe Is A Hostage

T-Hoe was supposed to be fixed on Monday, and sleeping in the garage right now. He is NOT! T-Hoe is in town, in a strange garage, yearning for me, I'm sure, as I am for him.

We took T-Hoe to town on Sunday evening. Farmer H was happy that Mick the Mechanic is away from his shop for two weeks. He found out from a worker there, who stopped by his Storage Unit Store. This will prevent awkwardness between them, ever since the SilverRedO misdiagnosis, which resulted in Farmer H taking SilverRedO elsewhere, for cheaper and correct repairs. 

Anyhoo... Farmer H went by there Monday morning, and checked back on Monday afternoon. T-Hoe was scheduled for a heater hose replacement, any other rotten hose transplants, an oil change, and an inspection needed to renew his license. Farmer H returned home around 2:30.

"The guy is going to call me. They have one hose left to do, and they're waiting for it to come on the parts truck. I'm going to work on the pool until I hear. Unless you want to go now, and do your stuff, and it will probably be done."

"No. I don't want to have to kill time if it's not ready."

I fiddled around a while. Finally took a shower at 3:45. At 4:15, I went out to holler at Farmer H. Who still has not dipped a dainty tootsie in Poolio all summer.

"We can go now, if you want. Did you hear from the guy?"

"No. But my phone doesn't work good down here."

"Okay. We can go. Just in case they don't get the part. At least I'll stop in the store, and get my tickets."

Off we went. Three stops. Farmer H thought he saw T-Hoe parked out front as we went by. So thought we'd get him on the way back home. We pulled into the gravel lot, and I saw a black TRUCK that Farmer H must have mistaken for T-Hoe, who was nowhere to be seen. Farmer H went inside the office. He returned shortly.

"We'll get it tomorrow. It's not done. The part wasn't on the parts truck."

"I don't mind, because I already got today's town stuff done. But I bet they forgot to order the part."

"No, HM. You don't know anything. Sometimes, the part just isn't on the truck."

"Especially if they forgot to order it!"

Heh, heh. I was feeling a bit ornery. But at least I knew how things always seem to go, and didn't sit home until 6:00 (closing time) only to realize the guy never called to say T-Hoe was ready.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Are you sure it's on a truck? Maybe it's on a boat. One of those boats that just drop anchor for months and months, their holds full, putting the kabosh in so many people's plans. Maybe the hose is in the middle of the ocean, just waiting...

And you have months and months of being hostage to look forward to...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Maybe that part is in the backpack of an old lady with a hole in her leg, who first must sit through jury selection before she can finish delivering her payload...

River said...

Forgetting to order is always the reason something isn't on the truck. Or boat, plane, train, whatever. Unless it was ordered and it's coming by mail. Then it's a long waiting game ahead for T-Hoe. I'm wondering why T-Hoe went to Mike the Mechanic's instead of to the cheaper place that fixed SilveREDo?

River said...

I meant SilverRedO, but you knew that.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H wanted a second opinion on SilverRedO, because of the expense, and he wasn't sure Mick's diagnosis was correct. This worker who talked to Farmer H at the Storage Unit Store had also not been sure of Mick's diagnosis. Farmer H bears no hard feelings, but thinks Mick might, so when they meet again it might be awkward.

The other place was the local Chevrolet dealership's repair department. This dealership has changed hands, but I think Farmer H might still know some of the workers. In any case, they let him hang around and watch part of SilverRedO's operation. T-Hoe could have gone there, but Mick's is closer, and Farmer H had no problem with the workmanship, other than SilverRedO's mystery illness. Farmer H would much rather let the "little guy" do his jobs, rather than a big dealership or company. SilverRedO was only cheaper at the dealership because the job they did was different from the job Mick had planned.

River 2,
Yes, I knew what you meant. I was pickin' up what you were layin' down!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

As you know, I don't worry with car repairs and such. If I need anything I can always dispatch HeWho loves to ride to a store. Hope it is fixed!

Hillbilly Mom said...

T-Hoe is fixed NOW! I went four days without him!