Friday, June 24, 2022

Technical Difficultness

Sorry. I'm not in a mood to spend more time with BLOGGER tonight. It took 2 HOURS to get a post up on my not-so-secret blog. Something is jacked up. Hinky. There's clog in the cogs of BLOGGER. We won't even discuss the effort to put up a picture. And that cursor jumping up to the middle of a previous paragraph about eleventy-billion times. Or why I keep finding Blog Buddy River hiding out in SPAM.

The cloud thing went all spinny and wouldn't save. Every time I typed in a title it disappeared as soon as I was done. It could be my internet, but HIPPIE says it's working. It could be HIPPIE, though I did a restart, which also took a long time, but then my PHONE was going all slow too.

I also had trouble getting my music to play on Spotify. It never would load. So I heard every detail of the 90-minute episode of Alone that Farmer H was watching, even though I planned on watching it on the second showing at midnight. So now I know somebody went home, and who it was, and why!

THEN my phone said I had to do an update to use my MoLottery app to scan my tickets and make sure I didn't miss a winner. So it sounds like my internet issue. But Farmer H used HIS phone and had no problems looking things up as he is wont to do.

I'm pretty sure Even Steven is messing with me. You'll find out why on my other blog, on Monday.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I didn't add comment moderation when I set up thenew blog, but one of my blog buddies lurks in spam, too! Can't be my internet. We get ours via our electric provider and it is fiber optic and super fast. I think it is blogger, or it could be Sprint n your case. Of course I am parroting what my son said!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I use the moderation because otherwise I would miss comments on older posts, so I like the notifications. I consciously have to check the SPAM folder, since I don't get the notifications. I don't know why it's not all or nothing with that folder! Sometimes they get through, sometimes not. The REAL spam never gets through, except that Rehana-something person or bot.

I am no Sprint fan, but we've had it since Genius made us get it for his unlimited internet on his phone many years ago. They changed their policy a while back, but we were grandfathered, heh, heh. I bet The Pony cost them a bundle. He pays us for his part now, but he gets a better deal while sticking with our plan.
Sprint must like Farmer H better than me, since he didn't seem to be affected.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Pencil and paper... Chalkboards. Those NEVER mess up.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Whine, whine, everywhere a whine, echoing the casino, speaking Val's mind.

Do this, don't do that, can't you stab him blind...

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's how I feel about mailing checks to pay bills! And why I hated that stinkin' SmartBoard. I'd rue the day I was ever required to ZOOM my lessons from home! The Pony says our internet is slower than 90s dial-up.

Sioux 2,
Bite your tongue--I mean FINGERS--Madam! I don't want to be banned from my closest casino! I'd carry that 'spreader piggyback around the casino while hobbling with my cane, to prevent a banning. I was afraid my permanent record might be affected on Thursday's trip anyway... but that's a story for my other blog, on Sunday.

I know you are secretly fuming that I didn't use any Steve Miller Band lyrics!

River said...

I'd say it's definitely blogger doing whatever it wants to whomever it wants. Hopefully, they'll move onto someone else in some other country soon. (please, please, don't let it be me)

Hillbilly Mom said...

BLOGGER wouldn't even let me sign out! It kept popping up the "Something went wrong" thingy, asking if I wanted to switch to another account, which I finally clicked, and then it gave me a different option to sign out.

I do not wish this shenaniganity on anyone!