Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Hillmomba Triangle

Farmer H brought me the mail today, just as I was gathering up my stuff for town. I had Genius's weekly letter, the trash bill payment, and the AT&T bill payment. Of course Farmer H handed me the electric bill.

"Oh, great. I was just leaving. Now I have to write out two more bills!"

When I opened the electric bill, only ONE bill was inside. That is not normal. We always get TWO bills. The house is separate from the BARn, since when we first bought the property, the BARn was all we built on it. They have separate meters, so separate bills. Yet I only had one!

I turned to tell Farmer H about it, but he had disappeared faster that The Sidler in Elaine's office. Next thing I saw him out the window, parking the Gator next to Poolio. I sent him a text that there was only one bill. I wrote out the check and took it to town with me anyway. I'll have to call if we don't get the other one in a separate envelope in a couple days.

Farmer H returned my text, saying "That was all that was in the mailbox."

Well. Yes. The envelope was not opened. So I couldn't blame a ne'er-do-well, or even Farmer H himself for stealing a bill. 

When I got home from town, I sent Farmer H down to the basement to my lair, because he's been needing the tax receipts from the past two years to go get license for T-Hoe that expires in July. When he came upstairs, he had nothing resembling the little envelope with the tax receipts. He had a BIG envelope, handwritten by me, with 2021 Tax Receipts. They are different.

Oh, Farmer H can use the one in that envelope. But he still needs 2020. It takes the past TWO years of receipts. He swore that he got exactly what I told him, but he himself knows that the regular tax receipts are in a tiny envelope mailed by by the county clerk. He always uses them to get licenses. I bring them up, and he gives them back for me to put away.

Funny thing, upon checkbook register perusal, I discovered that Farmer H got license for A-Cad in JANUARY this year. He was trying to tell me he hadn't used those receipts since last year, before I even paid the taxes in November.

So if he got the license in January, that's when I was sick. So definitely not hiking up and down the basement stairs. And THEN I was in the hospital for four days, trying not to die. And THEN I was in no shape to hike up and down those stairs for a couple months. 

I'm thinking Farmer H has something to do with the disappearance of those tax receipts. He can always go to the courthouse and get a copy. But in a few days I'll go downstairs and look for myself. I have a casino trip planned, and I'm not going to irritate my knees right before that!

Anyhoo... Farmer H had his hands on those missing documents. I just can't prove that he made them disappear.


Sioux Roslawski said...

You're thinking it's possible it was NOT Farmer H who made the receipts disappear?

Madame, I think you're underestimating your husband's skills...

River said...

Good luck finding them! They could be anywhere, even in the barn or somewhere in Shacky Town, in SilverRedO, tossed under the bed even. Set yourself a reward for the finding of them.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I hope I'm not delirious with fever! A fever from breathing Farmer H's breather air longer than usual, since I had to go to bed early for a casino trip.

What if they were fed to Back-Creek Neighbor Bev's DOG after Old Buddy found them on the floor of SilverRedO???

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Good luck finding them!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thanks. I'll need it. Maybe tomorrow I'll venture down to my lair and have a look at where they SHOULD be. Maybe Farmer H was just his typical unobservant self. If not, I have no idea where to look.