Monday, October 10, 2022

Another Cryptic Message

Farmer H sent me an email on Sunday, shortly before noon. It had no subject line, but once I opened it on my phone, it had the message "Guy took this this morning."

Let the record show that there was a picture accompanying the message. This is what I saw on my phone, without downloading the picture. It takes forever inside the Mansion, and I had better things to do, like whipping up a cauldron of chili.

I was not pickin' up what Farmer H was layin' down. So I had to send a text.
"What do you mean TOOK it? Stole or bought? And there's about 50 things in that picture."
"Picture of me."
"All I can see is the background on my phone. I'll look later when I check that email on my laptop."

When I got back from town, I finally saw what Farmer H was meaning to show me.

Well. That's a little bit different. I have altered the photo for privacy purposes. But WHY would a guy take such a picture of Farmer H? I hope it's not for nefarious purposes! The guy is in for a rude awakening if he's trying to get Farmer H in trouble, because he is fully-licensed for all items he sells, with taxes up-to-date.

You might notice that Farmer H is growing out his Santa beard for the holidays. And also growing out his Santa stomach...


River said...

Is that the new SUS or the old one?
I noticed the beard but not the stomach, I figured that was a bit tubby because he has his hands there. But he does need to grow a bit of tummy because he plays Santa, who is definitely on the tubby side. Unless he'd rather stuff a cushion under his shirt. The healthier option.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's the old SUS. Monday evening, Farmer H moved a bunch of his "glassware" down to the new SUS2 in A-Cad, so he didn't have to wrap them up for jouncing around in the back of SilverRedO. The electricity has been hooked up. He's close to opening. Just needs to move some inventory.

No pillow for Farmer H! He's an all-natural Santa!