Friday, October 14, 2022

Pon Appetit

Now that The Pony is a regular, his work hours are mostly 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If he can't finish his route, then he does his own overtime. But he doesn't get sent to help others like the CCAs (City Carrier Assistants). He doesn't have his own route yet, but fills in for others on their days off. So he mainly does the same assorted routes on set days. 

With a more regular schedule, The Pony seems to be doing more of his own cooking, rather than ordering out. Of course you know The Pony's favorite dish: STEAK. He sent me a picture of Wednesday night's supper:

"Oh, wait. That's probably blurry. Just realized there was butter on my camera."

Heh, heh! Only The Pony. He's a true Butterton. He cleaned it off, and sent the plating:

"Steak and mashed potatoes?"

"Yep. And garlic toast."

Notice the fancy plate? Farmer H gave The Pony a set of 6 plates and 4 bowls that he got from a buddy at the flea market. The Pony has a standing offer for me to buy him a set of plates for last year's Christmas gift, but he hasn't gotten around to picking any out. When I reminded him, he said,

"Why? Now I have the ones Dad gave me. The bowls look like the plates, but with more of a depression in the middle."

I guess he's okay for now. Like he also said, "How many plates can I possibly use?"


Kathy's Klothesline said...

How many does one really need? My sister was not the world's best housekeeper,leaning far into the opposite direction. Her solution to running out of plates was to purchase more, rather than wash them. Same with clothes. My mother reported once that she had done all the laundry at my sisters house and had to employ the twon laundramat as well as my sister's machine. She even hired a woman to help her and after they completed the launndry she annunced that my nephews each had over 75 boxer shorts each. Mother liked to "help" in an attempt to shame her. It didn't seem to bother my sister at all. I suppose that is why I always cleaned my house before the maid came when we had money for such things. I didn't want her t think we were all slobs!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Good point. I have 8 plates in my set, but the most I think we've used is 5 at one time, when Genius and Friend came for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. I just want The Pony to have a whole set, though he is not exactly hosting dinner parties!

That's a lot of boxers! My sister the ex-mayor's wife has a cleaning lady, and she cleans before the cleaner comes! And makes sure she is out of the house at that time. I guess so she doesn't feel shamed for accumulating dust!

River said...

I have four children and between the six of us we did have that much underwear!
I see the value in having extra plates and cups, in case people drop in, or you invite a few people for Christmas. But even there I'd have a limit. Now that I'm on my own I have only six dinner plates, five side plates, four cereal/soup bowls and four smaller ice cream bowls.
I like The Pony's dinner, but where are the vegetables? the carrots, beans, salad?

Hillbilly Mom said...

VEGETABLES??? You do realize this is THE PONY'S meal! The Pony is not one to forage for greens or beans. He has never been fond of "vinchtables," as he called them. When he was living here at the Mansion, I could persuade him sometimes to eat a little salad. His requirements were: lettuce, shredded cheese, and no more than two cherry tomatoes, each cut in half or fourths. To this he added Ranch Dressing. Potatoes are about his only vegetable, sometimes in the powdered packet form for mashed potatoes. He WILL eat carrots if cooked in a roast or under bacon.

I suppose the Farmer H dishes are enough for The Pony. It is possible that he has 75 pairs of underwear... I don't know how often he does laundry.

River said...

Revision to my comment, with the six of us we DIDN'T have that much underwear. (not did).
the Pony might regret things fifty years from now with his lack of fibre rich "vinchtables"

Hillbilly Mom said...

All you need is enough underwear to last between laundry times! As for The Pony lacking fiber, maybe his body is telling him something! As evidenced by my post for Sunday, Oct 16th!